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Everything posted by Ryld

  1. I'm sure this has already been discussed many times, but I'm too lazy to search the forums. But why are the movies and games always about the last of the Jedi? I haven't read any of the books (I plan to during Spring Break), so I don't know about them. I get tired of being the "last Jedi" alive. I would love to see a huge influx of Jedi in KotOR III. How, I don't know. But I'm sure it can be done. Then you could be part of a huge, epic battle in the end. The engine would have to be new and some serious coding would have to be involved to optimize the FPS... But am I the only person that thinks it would be awesome for the final showdown to be a large number of Jedi doing battle with a larger number of Sith instead of the usual "OMG I'M THE ONLY PERSON LEFT!!! AHHH!!!"? That's what it feels like every time I play an SW game. Actually, it feels like that when I play most RPGs, but moreso with SW. I think that's because the "Lone Jedi" thing has been milked and SW is more familiar than some new, original RPG. $0.02 [EDIT] LMFAO! Sorry about the multiple topic posts. I kept getting a MySQL error every time I tried to post. So I decided to be stupid and go back and click the post button again, and got the error again. And I did that a few times before I gave up. I just checked back by chance. Sorry! [/EDIT]
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