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an idiot god

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About an idiot god

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  1. My last battle cry that I can remember went something like this (in a small voice); ***************>>>>>>>>>......"Uh oh...".....<<<<<<<******************
  2. Kids, You argue over nothing. (since it is assumed by most that this "GOD" is not a thing, ..Therefore "NOTHING"!!!) "God" exists for those who believe in it. For those who dont, it doesn't. There exists nothing beyond your imagination. Nothing exists (in YOUR universe!) but 'that' of which you are aware. To argue who's 'universe' is more 'real' is foolishness, and demon-strates a lack of 'self'-awareness. All are equal as all are 'one'. One man's wisdom is as foolishness to another. No right, no wrong. Just is. Get used to it! *__- Holy Moly<an_idiot_god@yahoo.com>
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