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Posts posted by Elad

  1. When I participated in the Guild Wars beta event someone suggested to me to buy Neverwinter Nights. I didnt really know about the game and once I did some research I found out the concept and the community is very cool.


    I got the game last month, Platinum Edition. I havent played that much because the character system is very frustrating. Its like my character's info didnt carry onto the next chapter and when I played a module with that character I got another version of him in the character list. Soon I will figure all this out, the game seems very complex.


    I plan on becoming a builder. Programming is a fun little hobby for me and I would love to create some of my own adventures.


    My dream job is to be a writer for Bioware. I thought since Obsidian is a fairly new company, I can recieve some tips for writing because the community is small. I recently became obsessed with bioware's games, havent played them all yet but I think the community for bioware and obsidian is amazing with writers, roleplayers, and programmers.


    Neverwinter Nights 2 will hopefully be less complex and I hope to effect the game by posting on these forums. I am also following Dragon Age as much as I am NWN2. Dragon Age looks awesome and once some NWN2 screenshots arrive DA is at the top of my list.


    I currently play World of Warcraft on the Garona server.

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