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About MasterKalinSword

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. OOOOOOOOOOOOOh whos makeing it
  2. Oh so like Dead....Dead.......Dead sorry cant think of the name but it was a PnP RPG in 90's it set in the wild west with stem punk, Magic, and monsters but unlike most Fantasy Games magic was played down it was sorta like Call of Cathulo but there was a mad scintiste class who made all kinds of stem Robots, Flame throwers and so on
  3. So you want FF VI, FFVII, FFVIII, and or FFX like game. And it is a sub of Fantasy
  4. Thanks everyone for being so helpful.And to Volourn i.e. Mr.Nitpicky you are right I never used the word ALL but I own KOTOR 2 and have been following the development on NWN 2 and I like what I see so what you missed is that I never said completed games . That said I have relized after my first post its hard to convey what you rely mean on posts (whine you have a dry wit like me) so I was thinking maybe I should talk like HK :: Query :: What do you all think Masters :: Embarest Statement :: Will maybe with out the Masters part
  5. I meant no disrespect it was just a Q: by some one with to much curiosity. All in good nature ( note the cute ninja and angel face ) I am sorry if I offened any one I was just curios.
  6. I just posted this to see if someone from Obsidian will read it and answer back just so we knowe thay relly read ower suggestions. :ph34r: And if thay do I want to let them know I love there games and want more KOTOR
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