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About johngkilledyou

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. Bastula's recent history is on a holocron on Korriban. It explains that Reven abandons her and the Star Forge, and goes to the outer rim. She eventually goes to seek him (or her) out.
  2. If you have Destroy or Disable Droid force power use that. If you have Force Lightnig or Force Shock, use those. If you don't have any of that, equip each of your party members with a sheild, pause the game during battle and activate them. Thow all the Ion Grenades you have first, before attacking. Also, double-check that the setting is on EASY, because this really should not be that difficult.
  3. I beat this game twice and never got this character, how do I get it?
  4. I had this same problem, I had to back to the last autosave. A diologue is supposed to happen after you defeat Reven.
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