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About DruidArena

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  1. This is a known bug within Unity and Macs with external monitors. It has yet to be fixed it seems by Unity. Well okay… though Mac Pros don't exactly have an internal monitor… so this is something I'm just screwed on?
  2. It kinda sucks that I was a backer for a game I still have been unable to play.

  3. Ok, let's try this again. Still: Whenever I try to run the game, I get a black screen, the gauntlet curser, and the intro music and that's it. No button makes anything happen and the only way out is a force quit. System Specs Processor 3.33 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon Memory 6 GB 1066 MHz DDR3 ECC Graphics NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 2048 MB Software OS X 10.8.5 (12F2501) Apparently there is no Player.log file or even a Unity folder in ~/Library/Logs/ created.
  4. Whenever I try to run the game, I get a black screen, the gauntlet curser, and the intro music and that's it. No button makes anything happen and the only way out is a force quit. Help!
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