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About Outsider

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. I can`t get past it, and I`m wondering if I`m simply too low in level. I haev two games that are at this point, the first I`m goin` light-side. I have Atton, and Haindmaiden with lightsabers, and Mandalore, they around level twenty, twenty-one. The second I`m going dark-side, and I have Visas with a lightsaber, and Haindmaiden and HK-47 with her. They are level 18. I get the hell beat out of me everytime I go to fight the Sith Lords after they break their ritual. Help...
  2. Never tried that, thanx.
  3. I`m going DS and I`m on Telos. I`ve agreed to do the arms dealing mission and go to the meeting in Luxa`s place. When I get to the door They tell me I was supposed to come alone. I am alone, every time I went to teh door I was alone, I had solo mode on and everything. WTF!
  4. How is Atton supposed to beat the Twin Suns in the Cantina? I`ve used shields, but they always seems to die before I can even get their health halfway down. The lightsaber is useless, and the swords don`t seem to work too well either.
  5. Anything else I cuold do, something less time consuming perhaps?
  6. I had the same problem, if you`re playing from the harddrive put the Game disc in and play it from before T3 getting toasted.
  7. After you find Vrook on Dantooine you`re told of a message from Kelborn from Kavar. After you get to Kavar you chat for a while and find that you have to split up. I have Atton leading the team with Visas, and Bao`Dur. When I get to the tomb of Freedon Naad (sp) I`ve gotten past all the guards and stuff, but when you get to the final chamber you can`t beat the three Dark Jedi Masters. If you turn around and run, you run into two more and cant` beat them, if you run from them, you face an army. How do you get past this part?
  8. One thing I forgot, once I`m there how do I get the droid to move?
  9. Alright thanx, I`ll give it a shot.
  10. I have just left the Peragus fuel depot, after using the droid to open the emergency hatch. Teh droid gets fried, then the Jedi appears where the droid had been. After you enter the turbolift it takes you back to the hangar, sor tof, and your the droid, but he can`t move, all he can do is look around, which changes his orientation, and if you press the Y button he can lift his head, but that is all. I got around the black screen bug, but I need help getting any farther.
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