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J Innes

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Posts posted by J Innes

  1. Actually there's another funny glitch that DOES allow you to get stuff off the Twin Suns.


    After I had Atton give them a smack-down the game did go into the automatic cutscene, but once my main character was on his own, I headed to the cantina instead of the Jekk'Jekk Tarr right away.


    At the cantina I found their "remains" and was able to get their Twin Sun blades and a bonus (in my case it was a Matuki apprentice robe -- not bad).


    Of course that didn't stop them from attacking me again on G0T0's yacht and looting their bodies again for ANOTHER couple of sets of Twin Sun blades. :)

  2. I had Bao-Dur in my party when rescuing the Mandalorian on the cliff on Dxun, but was not able to gain influence with him.


    After killing the Boma, I initiated conversation with the Mandalorian and he simply asked me not to tell anyone what happened and then immediately ran off -- I didn't get the option to promise that I wouldn't tell anyone.


    I went back to the camp and spoke with Kumus, Xarga and Mandalore hoping that one of those conversations would trigger the influence -- but I wasn't successful.


    Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong here?


    I have been able to gain some influence previously with Bao-Dur, and he's 3/4 lightside well maybe more 4/5. My main character is full lightside.

  3. Does influencing party members towards the lightside (or darkside) change their attitudes at all?


    While playing lightside I noticed that even after Visas was influenced to the point where she was maxed out lightside (and only after 2 conversations at that) her conversations were still prompting me towards the darkside.


    Does the same go for everyone else you can influence?


    Also, what's the point of trying to influence Kreia? I had so many conversations where I gained Influence with her, but she never seemed to go up (or even down) on the meter.

  4. I managed to get 54 on my first run through with a LS character. I'm going to try a DS runthrough but I'm going to pick up from after I got off Peragus. I don't know about any of you, but I can't bear to think about going through that again.

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