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About Fuzzpot

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  1. Hello, I'm playing KotOR 2 on my XBOX through for the third time, and I've run into a problem. At the stage of Nar Shadaa in which I have to fight through Ubese warriors with Mira and then my Main Character, once my main character reaches the elevator out to the Nar Shadaa docks on the bottom left I use the touchpad next to the door to open it, but then I walk in the elevator... and nothing happens. It's just a square room, with no exit seen. I've restarted my game from an earlier point three times, specifically when Mira enters the Jekk-Jekk'Tar in the enviro suit. My only conclusion, and this come from an extremely tech-deficient background, is that Visquis' base map must be bugged. My solution has been to load as early as I have on that character (Mira, as said before) and try again, but it hasn't worked. I feel like perhaps at that point the map for the base has already been generated, and bugged? If so, perhaps I should save and load with my main character in an entirely different zone of Nar Shadaa, after I wake up and run off to save Mira. Any other suggestions? It's getting frustrating to just be blocked from story progression this close to the end. Thanks for any help!
  2. I've just talked to her as much as I could, not quite sure where the influence stands. I still fail when I ask about Atris (the second q). Thanks for the help, I'll give the stim Idea a try.
  3. I'm trying to get past the second duel, but frankly, I CAN'T!!! I've made a force-powers intensive Watchman, and I'm just not as tough as her. I can usually get her down to 1/2 health before I kick it. Any help? Do you HAVE to be a guardian/weaponmaster to get her as an apprentice? Say it aint so...
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