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balo bindo

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Everything posted by balo bindo

  1. sorry...new to the forum.
  2. If I was going to make Kotor III I would make it not as a totally new storyline but from the perspective of a character that has already been in kotor 1 and/or 2. How cool would it be if you played as Uthar and moved up the sith ranks and eventually took over the academy on korriban. Or howabout if you played as Nihilus and found out how he fell so far to the dark side. Granted this might take away from the whole choosing light side/dark side thing unless you could change history which would make for some weird stuff, but I think obsidian could figure something out that I can't, and could probably choose a better character. The real reason I made this post is because I was thinking about what it would be like if you interacted with Revan and/or the exile instead of playing as them. For those who have read the Ender series its kinda like writing the last book from Bean's perspective instead of Ender's. Just as spontaneous idea.....Let me know what you think.
  3. Can one acqquire special armor and jedi robes such as Darth Malak's armor and Jolee's Robes or not? If so, where can they be found (specifically the two previous examples. Thanks.
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