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Everything posted by bassomatica

  1. some tips: (no spoilers) 1. there are plenty of mines around to recover, then use them by attracting their attention, then when they get close, drop the mine, then run, they will be almost on top of you when you are done setting the mine. Then they run through it and the mines take out over half their hit points 2. stay away and blast them, don't be too proud to run! 3. get your health back each time before going after more. 4. use your madalorian melee shields, you should have a bunch at this point 5. when you level her up before using her, be sure to pay attention to the strategy you want, and pick skills and feats appropriately 6. I finally got in the habit of stripping all the npcs,that way whenever I exit the ebon hawk or am forced to use one, i have the pick of all the equipment to maximize the char at that time
  2. This bug does not affect game play all that much, so don't read it if you haven't already found Go-To. It is mainly for the developers, I just couldn't find a place to post bugs. Spoiler starts below: On Go-To's ship. There is a long hallway (where the turrets were) with the assembly area (I forgot the exact name, starts with A) where the main character was being held, and at the other end of the hallway is a T intersection with a command post. After you rescue the main character, take all 3 chars back down the hall to the T intersection. Now take one char (not the main) and run into the assembly room to try to use Computer to extract info out of the droids (leaving the other two behind), I think I had solo mode on, am not sure. Then after you "log out" of the droid, suddenly you "switch places" with the main character, and you find yourself in the T intersection, and the main character is standing beside the droid. I was able to reproduce it, whenever I log out, I am suddenly back in the intersection, seemingly having switched places with the main character. thanks, PlutosDad http://eyesontheball.blogspot.com News Satire that's right for you
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