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Everything posted by nufy8

  1. I haven't seen this anywhere on all of the sites I've looked on, so I'm looking to see if anyone else has experienced this pretty neat "glitch". After I defeat Mira on Nar Shaddaa in the pit, I headed to the rooms where you need to go to find your main character. After killing the first two Ubese, I opened the door ahead, then opened the next door on the left, walking along the path with the red force field. I killed them all with ease (Hanharr is quite awesome), but anyways, after doing that I went on the other side of the upper pit and did the same thing. I came back down from that side, and entered the door that is behind that first door on the left I was talking about. In it was a small room with 2 lockers and 3 ubese, after destroying them all I came upon the "Cheat Node". My targeting reticule, after disposing of the ubese, changed to blue and was fixated on the wall opposite the entrance. Nothing was on the wall, but I hit A out of reflex in the split second I had and select the wall. After selecting the wall the face of a Ubese came up in the conversation format. The text said [Cheat Node]. I hit A. And then I got the following list: Start the final final sequence Start the Hanharr end sequence. Start the Mira end sequence. Delete the 2 punks. Delete Mira Set Hanharr Side. Set the global for the door. Once you try one, you can't access the menu again. Luckily I saved right before opening the door. 'Start the final final sequence' works, it sends you into the scene where Hanharr is saved by Kreia and is commanded to serve your character. 'Start the Hanharr sequence puts Hanharr at the ventilation control, saying "Visquis dead, the Jedi gone...etc." The other options did not work. So, what is this? Something left in by the developers? If so, was it intentional? And what of the choices that aren't seeming to work? So many questions... Oh, and sorry this post is so long. Wanted to make sure people knew how I did it.
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