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Posts posted by bbogovich@gmail.com


    Her dispositions should be Diplomatic & Rational. She even has an interjection about using words to solve problems as to reserve strength for fights that matter. All of her motives with politics are rational, while all of her means are diplomatic. This is an easy call.


    And for the eighteenth time or whatever, the question isn't what Pallegina is or does, but what her order is.


    Remember Durance? Would you say that he's Clever? No? Well would you say that he's Passionate? Yes, of course.


    Priests of Magran Favours Aggressive/Clever, and Disfavours Passionate/Diplomatic.


    Since there's a variety of opinions here, I just made her favored and disfavored dispositions configurable through the options menu, in a separate page.  I've contacted the person in charge of IEMod letting them know about this mod, and I sent a pull request (basically a request to merge in my changes, for those who aren't familiar with source control), so hopefully this will be in the next version of IEMod.


    That's actually really awesome, although I can see people just using it as a straight-up cheat rather than a fix, but I'd suggest changing the wording to refer to her order. People already have an incredibly hard time separating between Pallegina and her order.




    I had thought of the "cheat" aspect of this as well, but with the console access we already have there are far worse ways to cheat, if one so desires (insta-kill, god mode, etc.).  The patch has been merged into IEMod (v4.16), available on Nexus.

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  2. Since there's a variety of opinions here, I just made her favored and disfavored dispositions configurable through the options menu, in a separate page.  I've contacted the person in charge of IEMod letting them know about this mod, and I sent a pull request (basically a request to merge in my changes, for those who aren't familiar with source control), so hopefully this will be in the next version of IEMod.


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  3. I've produced a fix that allows non-Watcher paladins to pick up the effects of party dispositions when applying Faith and Conviction (using Bester et. al's fantastic PoE Modding Framework).  (As a side-effect, non-Watcher priests will also be affected by party reputation, though I could easily code around this and limit the change to paladins only.)  The only remaining issue is that since Obsidian did not intend for this to be in the game, Pallegina's custom order (Frermas Mes Canc Suolias, aka Brotherhood of the Five Suns) does not have favored and disfavored dispositions assigned to it, and my primary motivation for this fix is to (potentially) fix Pallegina's defenses.  I could always just assign whatever I feel is appropriate to the order, but in the spirit of the development of PoE (and to avoid the need to make a decision myself), I thought I'd ask the community here what they feel would be appropriate for the order - especially since I feel that I haven't played far enough through the game to have a solid handle on either the Brotherhood's background or Pallegina's personality, assuming she is an exemplar of the order.  Let me know what you think.


    For reference, the available dispositions are:


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