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Sage Luckuirr

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Posts posted by Sage Luckuirr

  1. I am one of the (surprisingly) few that really seemed to enjoy Icewind Dale, but to this day there simply haven't been any games near Icewind Dale 2. Sure Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 have a better story, and NWN have better looks, but ID2 are still the better game.


    Well I agree that IWD1/2 were good games. But theycould never live up to the sheer and overwelming epicness of the Baldur's gate series. The infinty engine

    gave the realms new means to be embraced. The only thing wrong with IWD(Espeacially 2) was the fact that the stroy was more hack n slash that i could have cared for. Though the ability to create an entire party was very interesting. The overall character creation was stunted. The fact you would walk for hours to only fight myriads of enimies after another was not very appealing. I also didnt like the gui at all in 2, and in fact I think IDW1 was the better of the two.


    If they could create something like IWD3 I'm sure that they wouldn't use the engine that made those games famous. And thus, would be very difficult to get the feeling and atmosphere of such a dark and mysterious game that was IWD.

    The same could be said about BG3(since I heard they're using a 3d engine.).

    But then again thats what the art department is for.


    All in all if they made such a decision to make IWD3, im sure they'd listen to us as much as they do now for the creation of NWN2. I still however fell that no game can surpass the Awesomeness that is "Baldur's Gate 2". Which in my eyes(and most of yours) was the best FR game ever created. However i would like to know that something like "Pool of Radiance", which was the complete opposite of BG2 is never released to the public agian.

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