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Posts posted by icu

  1. OK,on another board some guy is claiming that the "Jedi Defense" feat increases the effectiveness of the Jedi Robes.

    I tried explaining to him that "Jedi Defense" is simply the ability to deflect blaster bolts with your lightsaber,but he continues to think that it boosts the defense of Robes and that it's just been left out of the description.

    Now usually I wouldn't waste my time arguing about something like this,but he's just spreading false information and it's irritating.

    So,can an expert or preferably a Dev clear this up.

    Any help would be appreciated.

  2. Dude I was able to loot his corpse.Why would I lie about something this small?All I got from it was a Dark Jedi Master Robe and a red Lightsaber.

    Like I said,it was probably a glitch.

    Just because it didn't happen in your game doesn't mean it's not possible.Everyone knows this game is full of glitches and this was probably one of them.

    On my next playthrough,when I get to that part,I'll play it over and over til it happens again and take a picture of it to shut you people up.

  3. It's in the guide.But I wouldn't trust the guide if I was you.

    Hell they even said after you beat the Revan vision to check his remains for Bastila's lightsaber.I'm sorry but um,how can visions have remains?

    If it was really supposed to be in,then the devs probably wised up and took it out.

    It would be really stupid to have his saber and armor in the game,and here's why:

    If you chose lightside Revan,then it blew up with the Starforge.

    If you chose darkside Revan,then Revan probably has it.

    Of course it's possible Revan took it as a souvenir,if so,then the question is why would he/she leave it on some planet?

    If he left it on the Ebon Hawk then someone probably took it after they raided the Hawk.

    It would make no sense for it to be in the game.They would have to explain how it got there.Same thing with Bindo's robes.But they do have Bindo's band,but it doesn't explain how it got there,and it's just one of the things I dislike about the game.

    To have those in there just for the "oh that's cool" factor is pretty stupid,IMO.

  4. Don't know if this has been said already or not.

    On Nar Shaddaa,in the flophouse(docks section),talk to Lootra about his wife.Choose the option:(Lie)your wife died in the refugee sector while screaming your name.Then choose the line that tells him to trust you.

    Kreia will be happy that you was able to manipulate someone and you will gain influence.

  5. Kevin Saunders: We treat the lightsaber with great respect. We have increased their effectiveness and upgradeability and have also made them rarer. Creating your own lightsaber is a major quest in the game and a huge accomplishment. That being said, you will have your lightsaber throughout much of the game, but acquiring it is certainly a goal to aspire towards


    Heres the link:lightsaber


    The quest is creating your own lightsaber,not getting back your lightsaber.I can see how people can misinterpret what they said.

    I believe the point of telling Atton how your saber looked was so that you would know that is your saber that Atris pulls out.

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