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About fortis

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. The merc isn't giving me trouble anymore now that I got my lightsaber. I'll take your advice Gooder DarthDoGooder. Hopefully he'll just run out of powers and I can kill him. Oh and the fighting style is something that starts with an A but I can't remember. Also, I'm Dark Side and a Guardian.
  2. But I'm Evil. So even if I do face the mercenary, I have to face Zrook. That's where I'm having the problem. What I did was tell the mercenary that I wanted my money now and killed his men that were standing around him when he asks you if you'll help. So then I went to the place and ruined all the traps, rigged the turrets, etc. And since the mercenary ran away when he had his guys attack me, I had to talk to the general guy to initiate the whole battle scene. It goes through that and then the mercenary guy shows up and I can either fight him or let him pass and kill the Administrator. Now I can beat him and his thugs fine. But no matter which I choose, I'm still forced to face Zrook one-on-one. THAT is the challenging part. I have the lightsaber now but he uses Heal multiple times when his health is low. I've tried upping stimulants and even setting like 5 mines in a row to completely deplete his health but again, he just uses Heal and we're back where we started. Kreia tells me he's using this Jedi style that's meant for one-on-one fights and that I could try a blaster. So I tried that but 99% of my shots just missed and that didn't go so well.
  3. Hmmm... but when I face him, it's one on one.
  4. I guess I should mention that the said boss uses Heal as well. Pretty much destroying any chance I have of winning. I managed to make a lightsaber but it's the Heal that kills me. I can get him down to below half health but then my health gets to low and I have to heal allowing him to heal as well.
  5. Well, I set the difficulty down to easy. Still getting dominated. You can't choose anybody else either. The problem is that he has a lightsaber which completely destroys me. I found that placing some mines hurt him but half the time I have to initiate the combat. Meaning, I have to get close and he nails me with the lightsaber.
  6. I've gotten to the part where the mercenaries want to attack the Administrator. I tried being on on the mercenary side first and I have to fight Zrook. I end up getting completely crushed. So I went back and tried the Administrator's side. Now I end up fighting the head of the mercanaries and again I immediately get crushed. It automatically makes me fight alone and I just don't see how I can win this battle.
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