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Posts posted by Merle_POE


    Why and how exactly would that make Steamspy inaccurate or unreliable? If anything, that would make it more accurate and reliable...


    If you're talking about it mistaking family sharers and leech/idling accounts as actual owners, it doesn't. Otherwise I'd like to see appropriative proof of this "Steampy being inaccurate or unreliable".







    I've asked it before when this comes up, but, I'll ask it again. How many console owners do you think don't also own a low-end PC capable of running PoE? Of those, how many do you think would be interested in playing an isometric party-based cRPG with lots of reading mixed with tactical combat and character-building?

    All of you guys seem to be missing the fact that this game will be launching about the same time the Steam Box starts rolling out to full release.


    A shiny "Project Eternity, Big Screen, Full Controller Support" icon on it's sales page sure would do wonders for the games sales at that point.  But maybe they don't really care about sales they get after the kickstarter.


    I also really don't understand the hostility a lot of PC gamers have towards controllers.  I am a PC gamer myself.  I don't even intend to buy either of these next gen systems, but I enjoy playing games w/ a controller that allow me to lean back in my chair and prop my feet up.  I don't understand how a pause-based strategic RPG is not the ideal kind of game for this play style.  It's not a twitch FPS game where you have to hover over the screen for pixel precise kills in split seconds.


    I'll be playing the game regardless, but I know a good number of friends that won't even have that option since they play all their PC games on a TV now and certainly they are alienating themselves from the SteamBox base.  For the little amount of work this would take, it just seem really lacking in forsight not to include this feature when a huge PC push that is all about big screen play is coming out the same damn time as this game.



    You are totally missing the point of both this game and Kickstarters for video game's in general:




    I appreciate all of the concerns about controller support, but that is not an issue limited to Big Picture Mode.  When it comes to Big Picture Mode and pc gaming on an HDTV, I only have one concern, and that is can I read the text from 8 feet away in a lazy boy. 


    It is critical for the UI to be adjustable so those that do play on an HDTV can adjust the text sizes accordingly to be able to read from a couch or lazy boy.  I have at least a couple games on Steam that are near unplayable due to font/ui size not being adjustable and gaming at 1920x1080.  Best examples are Fallen Enchantress and Total War Shogun variety, both of which were immediately uninstalled.  I try to download demos to test this before buying games, but not all games have a demo.  I do have 20/20 vision so that is not the issue. 

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