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Priori Incantatem

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Posts posted by Priori Incantatem

  1. I did.

    I had to start all over again ot Telos and, magically, no more problems... except that when I got to the surface, more than half of my force powers disappeared. I have them but I don't have an option to use them in battles.

    Is this supposed to happen or is it another bug?

  2. 2) Various problems with conversations... I've noticed the game sort of fast forward through responses from characters... they'll say something that flashes on the screen, but I don't get a chance to hear it or read it adequately. Also, I've noticed people facing the wrong way and performing animations while talking; the main example that comes to mind is when Atton talks to the main character from the pilot's seat and he is facing you, typing away at thin air instead of the console his back is to.


    Exactly the problem I'm having!


    1) Game starts itself in windowed mode... I know I've read something along these lines from at least one other person, but I just wanted to add my voice to the issue... It is hard to switch back to full screen as well because the mouse disappears as I try to scroll to the maximize button. Fortunately, once I get it maximized there are no further difficulties during the game.


    wow! I thought only I had this problem! Yes it is difficult to swtch to the full mode. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?ac...ype=post&id=971

  3. errr well really slow when loading new BIG areas. It gets better if I change the serttings back and forth.


    can't enter a new area with one try sometimes


    can't see party members talking sometimes


    I see that people noticed that walking is too fast, but does anyone feel that movements made during walking don't look real? It was awesomely (is that a word? lol) real in KOTOR 1, but not here. Was it that hard to keep the same movements? They kept a lot of other things


    and yes, space suit is too fast... but I don't mind, at least it's not as slow as in KOTOR 1

    that's about it

  4. ok um.. I have never had problems like this. Maybe it's easy to solve but anyways...


    I'm on Telos. I have done some quests and have high LS points (unusual b/c of KOTOR 1). I found Batono, put the alien guy into jail, got the Robot for Ithorians and er.. a lot of other things.

    I got a quests for two criminals. On GameBanshee it says that after I get the quest and go to the Czerka office, I'll overhear Jana Lorso talking to them, but it didn't happen.

    I think that I'm supposed to get to the Restoration Zone. I've talked to EVEY SINGLE person on Telos in the areas where I have been - Cantina, Entertainment area, TSL, Czerka, Apartments, etc. I just walk around and have no clue how to continue.


    any tips?

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