From a storyline aspect, KOTOR2 is very good until the last planet and ending. The problem with the last planet and ending is not so much in the story as in the execution. I.e.
Speaking of the NPCS, great beginning, alot of promises, and poor execution near the end. The whole idea of influences are great, but I'm not sure what it gets me aside from being able to train them as Jedis.
Overall, I'd give the game up to the last stage a 9.5/10 and the last level/ending a 6/10 due to poor execution and a lack of closure. At least in KOTOR, you felt a sense of accomplishment in the end, whether LS or DS. Here, all I felt like at the end is like "gee, this is what I spent 40 hours for? No pat on the back, no sense of accomplishment, just this old crone to say a few lines and then a 20 second FMV?" Maybe KOTOR 3 will patch things up and have a good ending.
Don't get me wrong here... I still love the first 38 hours of KOTOR 2, and I don't regret buying it. But I just wish the ending is a bit more polished, like the alternate ending of Prince of Persia, the Warrior Within (amazing how a 2 min FMV at the end can dramatically improve your opinion of a game, LOL).