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About Darklord

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  1. Spoken like a true power gamer. I definitely agree on that assessment. If you can get the lightsaber o doom by killing a npc (and only by killing the npc), most power gamers will do it, whether playing LS or DS. The "in-character" players might do it differently. But if the romances are as broken as KOTOR 2, I'd kill the whole lot of them for a lightsaber o doom. Regards, DL
  2. Awesome game for 38 hours. Real let down the last 2 hours. I would rate it as 38 hours of 9.5/10 and 2 hors of 6.5/10 after you found out how unpolished the ending was. Bah, maybe the developers will polish up the PC version a bit more after hearing us gripe like this. I'd be willing to pay for the PC version if they'll give us a polished ending with some closures. Regards, DL
  3. Ranting is good. I think the poor ending execution is twice as painful in this game than a lesser game because THIS GAME WAS SO AWESOME through the Jedi Conclave on the Jedi Academy. I was playing LS, so the 3 masters turning on me at the last minute was a good twist. It was like, wtf, after all I done for you guys, this is how you repay me? Then the scene happened and I was like well, so she finally shows her true color (no surprise here... I would have been surprised if it wasn't her). The fight on Telos just built things up.... but then Nhilius was a real let down in that you have to plug in the holes for him to make him anything other than a prop... no real revelation about who he was beneath the mask (Luke, I am your father...), just a let down frim Vista about he was "just a man." Gee thanks. I just killed the guy who annhiliated a whole planet and an entire conclave of Jedi and he was just a cardboard guy? Goes on to Malichor V, I was expecting something like a little quest for every NPC (after Mira and the Remote), they all get together, and I can maybe take the ones I favor into the final fight. Nooo... we get a solo run through the Academy and then an exposition by Darth Trayna before the 20 second FMV. The more I think about it the more annoyed about the spoiled potential of this game. It's like a masterpiece oil painting that didn't get finished in time, so the artist painted the eyes with permanent markers. Truly awesome game with a great buildup. But what a let down the end was (and let's not even go to the poor execuse of a romance - I don't need a happy ending, but resolution and some sense of closure would be nice). T_T. Bah. Still love the game, but boy the ending bites. Regards, DL
  4. I agree with everyone above. The story was awesome until Malachor V. NPC interactions, especially the romance plots, were either bugged or poorly executed. The ending was poorly executed. I expected so much better from the designers of PS:T & Fallout. Don't get me wrong, I still love the game, but I'd rate it as 9.5/10 for the first 38 hours and 6.5/10 for the last two hours and the ending. I think if they had another 3-6 months to polish the npc plot lines and the ending, this game would be the masterpiece it should be. Now if they add some scenes and polish the endings for the PC version.... I wouldn't mind buying it all over again (hint hint). This game really deserves a more polished ending, without it, it's definitely not Game of the Year. Very close but no cigar. T_T. Regards, DL
  5. From a storyline aspect, KOTOR2 is very good until the last planet and ending. The problem with the last planet and ending is not so much in the story as in the execution. I.e. Speaking of the NPCS, great beginning, alot of promises, and poor execution near the end. The whole idea of influences are great, but I'm not sure what it gets me aside from being able to train them as Jedis. Overall, I'd give the game up to the last stage a 9.5/10 and the last level/ending a 6/10 due to poor execution and a lack of closure. At least in KOTOR, you felt a sense of accomplishment in the end, whether LS or DS. Here, all I felt like at the end is like "gee, this is what I spent 40 hours for? No pat on the back, no sense of accomplishment, just this old crone to say a few lines and then a 20 second FMV?" Maybe KOTOR 3 will patch things up and have a good ending. Don't get me wrong here... I still love the first 38 hours of KOTOR 2, and I don't regret buying it. But I just wish the ending is a bit more polished, like the alternate ending of Prince of Persia, the Warrior Within (amazing how a 2 min FMV at the end can dramatically improve your opinion of a game, LOL). Regards, DL
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