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Posts posted by Louis2014





    Will the physical goods be sent out with enough time in advance so that they arrive as close as possible to the 26th?

    For Europe and everything this side of the pond I assume Paradox will take care of that?


    It is looking like everything will be shipped pretty close to release day for folks in the U.S.. International deliveries may be a couple of weeks after release, unfortunately. Once we receive confirmation of delivery from Paradox we will let you guys know.


    This is really disappointing, I thought the reason for sending the game out without the game disk was so that we would get the game pretty much on time, I live in the uk and was expecting all but the game disks to arrive around the 26th. Now its a few weeks after, then the game disks a few weeks later, hasn't someone already stated the all the physical aspects of the rewards are complete, is this not true?



    I do complete agree to your point! As I am in Germany I also hoped to get the CE gamebox by 26th of March and not a couple of weeks later. Will the physical goods be sent to europe by ship? I payed 20 $ for shipping only, (190 $ in total).  For a small and light game box this is a lot of money. So I expected delivery will by via air mail.


    Backers should be the first to get the physical goods instead of everyone else who has e.g. ordered via Amazon.


    I am desperately disappointed!



    I am also from Germany and really disappointed about this.

    Could please a Dev clear this up for us?


    And are we playin the Game at all  at 26th ??

    Will we get keys to play it at release?


    I am a slacker Backer with a Physical Order.



    Could still a Dev respond?

    because its really confusing


    adam or BAdler please?


    Thank you in advance




    Will the physical goods be sent out with enough time in advance so that they arrive as close as possible to the 26th?

    For Europe and everything this side of the pond I assume Paradox will take care of that?


    It is looking like everything will be shipped pretty close to release day for folks in the U.S.. International deliveries may be a couple of weeks after release, unfortunately. Once we receive confirmation of delivery from Paradox we will let you guys know.


    This is really disappointing, I thought the reason for sending the game out without the game disk was so that we would get the game pretty much on time, I live in the uk and was expecting all but the game disks to arrive around the 26th. Now its a few weeks after, then the game disks a few weeks later, hasn't someone already stated the all the physical aspects of the rewards are complete, is this not true?



    I do complete agree to your point! As I am in Germany I also hoped to get the CE gamebox by 26th of March and not a couple of weeks later. Will the physical goods be sent to europe by ship? I payed 20 $ for shipping only, (190 $ in total).  For a small and light game box this is a lot of money. So I expected delivery will by via air mail.


    Backers should be the first to get the physical goods instead of everyone else who has e.g. ordered via Amazon.


    I am desperately disappointed!



    I am also from Germany and really disappointed about this.

    Could please a Dev clear this up for us?


    And are we playin the Game at all  at 26th ??

    Will we get keys to play it at release?


    I am a slacker Backer with a Physical Order.

  3. i´m a huge fan of PoE and think it is finally a RPG worth playing since old IE games (and such games as Wizardry, Ultima etc etc) :bow: :bow:

    Playing now over 30 Years and I´m really excited about the Story and Character advancement.


    cant wait to get hands on my Hard Copy :dancing: :dancing: :dancing: :dancing: :dancing: :dancing:


    good Job  Team at Obsidian (Thank you Josh)

  4. Selfmade Character cant advance above 5th Level



    1.Take an Character In empty spot from Tavern   (because of Money Issues 4th Level Adventurer)


    2. New Character has no Level up (stays on first level until first Fight starts... or Xp per Quest is attained)


    3. Then you can play along until the Char reaches end of Level 4 and you could advance to Level 5th


    4. Normal Character Level up... with Talents or Spells ( I`ve tryed with all Classes)


    5. Then when Im finished with it and hit "Done", the Screen gets dark and nothing happens anymore... can only exit the Game with Strg-Alt-Del.


    6. Same happens if you use an 6th or 5th Level Character directly. (tryed all classes from Level 5th to 7th)



    No Problems with Characters below 5th... They Level normal up as soon as the got  XP.




    Hopefully you can Understand what i mean... Sorry if My English is confusing ;)  it`s been a while.

  5. Great Update ...Thanks for that :dancing:


    really can´t wait to play that Game. Wizards where always my favorit class in all of the Infinity Games,so I´m very excited about them.


    hopefully there are spells like Sequencer or Contingency (from Baldurs gate2)


    They added alot of Micro-Managment for Spellcasters to the Game.


    Cheers to All The Backers !!!! :bow: :bow: :bow:


    Good that such Games are still possible :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:

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