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Posts posted by sharpmath


    he can't say that X is pretty and Y isn't because biology, he just says "if yo think thing is beautiful, there may be biological reasons for that."


    It's like ordinary science. You make hypotheses and then do studies that can confirm (or rather falsify) them. This guy in the video based his statements on statistical studies of people's preferences and then provided evolutionary explanations.


    Theory of evolution states that organisms become best adapted for utilizing resources of their environment. If you know where a species evolved you may easily find out what they need and like the most and then do appropriate studies. I'm not really sure if there are mathematical models specifically created for aesthetics. There are mostly tons of studies about sexual preferences, like female shapes, faces and so on.


    But you can find some studies in Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.pl/scholar?hl=pl&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=aesthetics+evolution&btnG=


    I'm not an expert on the subject and certainly have no idea about art. I've been only interested in theory of evolution for quite a while now.



    Why would anyone go to spend holiday in California?

    Maybe people like to spend holiday in places similar to California because it's hot and women are scarcely dressed?


    It’s not a vacation resort simulator.


    That's certainly true :D


    Why do you think a brighter, more colourful scheme would fit Deadfire’s world better?


    I've never said anything about it. But I did say that evolution is all about statistics. Most people prefer similar (to some extent) things. Like most men prefer women. And it won't change.


    Nothing that you've said has made any sense. Just because people, possibly, may "evolutionary" prefer bright sunny skies and pleasing colors, doesn't mean that every piece of fiction is going to be set in a place like that. At the start you said something along the lines of you play an RPG for a long time, so why would you want it to be in a depressing place, but you're playing a game set in a kind of crappy world. Why should everything be sunshine and rainbows? This is probably the weirdest post chain I've ever seen.

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