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Everything posted by thumperward

  1. There is no "good option": the logic is in conversations\05_defiance_bay_heritage_hill\05_cv_leyra_banshee.conversation if anyone wants to look. The "clever" option (telling Leyra she's dead)) always fast tracks to an attack. The "one soldier breaks free" dialogue path is in the code (and the linked game text - localized\en\text\conversations\05_defiance_bay_heritage_hill\05_cv_leyra_banshee.stringtable) but is impossible to reach at the moment, and there doesn't seem to be any code which overrides the "everyone goes hostile" directive either. In short, the content from the Prima guide simply doesn't exist at this point in time in the current game. (if this is inappropriate or belongs in a different forum please let me know: first post and all that.)
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