I'd have to say that voice over is probably the second-least important aspect of games, as far as what needs improvement. Frankly, I'd like an innovative story line and likeable/believable/sympathetic characters with nothing but text. Gads, read a book! No voice-overs there!
I have given up on RPGs almost entirely because, after looking at the box art for 30 seconds, I know who all the main characters are, and who the bad guy is, and which of the characters will betray me...I'm not sure how time travel will come in, but after about 5 minutes of game play, I'll have a pretty good idea.
Now, admittedly, the Blood Omen and Soul Reaver games are nothing without their Voice Overs, but they are action and puzzle games, NOT RPGs! The story is set in stone. Kain is a condescending ass. Razael is a self-righteous boob, and no matter what we make them do, they will remain such.
Anyway, next to "dazzling" us with "mind-blowing" special effects and "gorgeous" cutscenes, RPGs need voice-over help least of all. Ye gods, please! No more playing a 60 hour game to watch a 30 minute CG movie that, at best...is "Spirits Within" *shudder*