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Posts posted by Backstabb3r

  1. I have read your replies. And posting ur opinions isn't the problem, it's the way you say that makes th trouble. That real attitude problem. BTW cartoonish isn't a reason, or do you also find cops using a bulletproof vest under their clothes cartoonish. Cause to me most of the cases you won't see a difference between a cop wit a vest under his clothes and one without one.


    Cartoonish, in that the example given (the Clone Wars Obi-wan) didn't look like something I'd want my character to look like. Now you're questioning the validity of whether saying they look cartoonish is "proof" enough that it's a bad idea? Weird, I figured that would be valid enough without giving more reasons.


    So I'll say it simply: I think the idea is stupid because I think it makes the game more "cartoonish" in appearance (ie. focussed on the 12 and under crowd) instead of looking like a beautifully detailed "young adult/adult" game.


    Also, I'd like to point out that my first response was also in direct reply to the suggestion we should "be able to make our own clothes", hence the Barbie dress up comment. I don't want the developers spending their time coding it so the players can create every single imagineable clothing style out there. I'd rather they spent their time on making sure that what's in the game works perfectly (or as near perfect as computer games can get).


    Making different styles of clothes are what modders are for (and if you look at some of the KOTOR 1 mods, they look spectacular), but not something to waste the developers' time on. In other words, I'd rather the developers get the game out on time with no bugs, rather than have delays all because some insignificant "extra", such as being able to make our own clothes, isn't working properly.


    Clear and simple enough? Geeze.



    There much better, it wasn't so hard was it

  2. Yu have the right to dissagree as long as you don't start calling it stupid(wich by the way isn't a good enough reason to deslike an idea). If you have a good reason why it shouldn't be done then say that, but please keep all your negative sh*t(like stupid idea) to yourself.


    You apparently haven't bothered to read my replies. I've stated why already countless times. Most of my replies are towards people telling me I shouldn't post my opinion unless I gush over the idea, so obviously when I respond to them I'm not going to go in to detail about why I think it's a STUPID idea.


    I have read your replies. And posting ur opinions isn't the problem, it's the way you say that makes th trouble. That real attitude problem. BTW cartoonish isn't a reason, or do you also find cops using a bulletproof vest under their clothes cartoonish. Cause to me most of the cases you won't see a difference between a cop wit a vest under his clothes and one without one.

  3. If it's so stupid, then dont participate in this topic.

    Simple as that. :lol:


    It's a "suggestions" forum, meaning you post if you agree or disagree with a suggestion. I'm disagreeing. How is that hard to understand? Check every other thread. Not every response is "gosh, i love this idea!". I'm participating because, in the off chance the devs consider the idea, I want them to know that there are people who do NOT want to see it implemented.


    Simple enough?


    Yu have the right to dissagree as long as you don't start calling it stupid(wich by the way isn't a good enough reason to deslike an idea). If you have a good reason why it shouldn't be done then say that, but please keep all your negative sh*t(like stupid idea) to yourself.

  4. Personally i am for the reconnect to the force, but nevertheless start with it as a choice.


    Thought story in Kotor 1 was good and i saw reason as to why he dident have force powers at start, but in the new one id like the option at picking jedi classes from start less the first lvls arent counted in lvl total, it rather annoying to only half a small amount of force points because you had dual class prior to being jedi especially if you counsulor class because it depend more or less one alot of force point since it more mage minded.


    I played through old one as gaurdian and light way, but eventually i started to pick a counsulor since i thought it would be fun, but i got so sick and tired of having half jedi power pick and half force points that i dident bother playing through with him.


    Really hope since i believe they said you been former jedi and trying to reconnect to the force that they at least either make any class, prior to jedi not count in lvl total or allow jedi full leveling from 1-20lvl if they have same lvl limit as last.


    And for logic it suck, dont remember Kyle from JK having less force powers than the other despite he reconnected to the force, please either remove the dual start or remove how it works


    Exsample make it and option to repick point on your jedi again, gaurdian=warrior or such so you get same as the other gaurdians, if you reconnecting to the force it should work as it does with PALADIN in D&D, you lose your paladin powers while your fallen till you atone, then you regain them.


    Shouldnt mean you completely lose your past powers it sucks for logic.


    I Agree

  5. I think it's not a bad idea. It's an RPG game whether it's online or not character customization plays a great role. And the ones that does't wanna make us of this option in a game can just choose not to use it, the ones that would want to use it could. So everebody would be happy.

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