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Posts posted by golani79

  1. These days, playing ironman on PC? Sorry, not as trusty (as evidence of "gaming purity") as it might have been back in the day. Plus, single player game!!!


    Even back in the old days there were more than enough possibilities to cheat / manipulate savegames or whatever.


    If someone cheats in a singleplayer game it surely doesn´t bother me - everyone needs to know for him / herself if it´s worth cheating as it takes away a lot of fun and rewarding situations from a game.

  2. I don´t see the point of having a "save-scum" prevention in the game.


    Everyone can play as he or she pleases and there are no disadvanteges for anyone cause it is a single player game.

    If people prefer to not save all the time they are free to do so or what I´ve read play the hardcore mode.


    There´s not always that much time to play games and if you´d loose 2-3 hours of progress due the restriction to save when you like it could be kinda frustrating.

  3. I'm so glad that this game is going to be real time with pause (was saddened to see Torment becoming turn based).


    Hehe .. I was a bit disappointed about the outcome in the poll for Torment as well.

    But I guess we just have to wait and see how TB works out for the game.


    Glad to hear that Eternity will use RTwP as I prefer this system in general for this kind of games.

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