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Posts posted by Cheston

  1. I have the "Injured Crew" notifier up even when my crew is fine. Might go away now that one of them's actually been injured since installing the patch, though.


    Also, Alchemy doesn't seem to be affecting drugs' effects anymore. I'm getting the base bonuses, with only improved duration. I think this is a bug?

    • Like 1
  2. I'm definitely on version, but I don't have the "start and skip intro" button. I actually have a blank space between "start game" and "cancel" where the button should be when I try to start a new game.


    Looks like you have to play through the intro at least once after installing the patch. I played through the intro once, and the button to skip appeared the next time I started a new game. (I'm fine with this, would be a good addition to the patch notes though.)

  3. When I finish character creation, the window closes but nothing else happens. I can wander around Berath's table and open the ESC menu, but none of the buttons do anything so I can't leave (or quit the game without an ALT-F4).


    Character: https://imgur.com/a/bzfPJda


    Mods: one, which changes up some of the class skills for Rogue and Cipher.


    This bug wasn't present with a single-class character. (This might actually be the character creation bug listed above, "Creating a multiclass character with spells and non-spell abilities no longer blocks character creation.")


    ***I removed my mod and character creation proceeded normally. When I made it I didn't bother removing anything else so the entirety of characters.gamedatabundle (from 1.0.0) was getting loaded. Might be worth adding a warning about mods somewhere.

  4. If you have one AI slot filled for a character and the other AI slot empty, they'll still alternate between slots in whatever order you set (random, round robin, etc...). If a slot is empty, the character will autoattack. So, if you only have one AI routine per character, and you want a character to burn through their routine more quickly, assign the AI to both slots.


    (I could use confirmation on this behavior- I reproduced it on Pallegina as a Paladin + Fighter but I'd like to be sure.)



    Does anyone know what "Best current threat" means? Threat to who: the character using the script, or threat in general on the field?

    "Best current threat" is an ambiguous description to begin with. I assume it means the strongest enemy on the battlefield, but even then, how it determines that would be a total mystery.




    I'm not sure, but I've been setting "Most Damage Done" as the target priority and that's how I've been identifying The Big Bad.


    I'd go 16 Might/10 Con/16 Dex/16 Per/10 Int/10 Resolve. That's a healthy split without dumping any stats. Dialogue is much more passive skills now (diplomacy, intimidation, bluff, history, etc...), but if you have a certain type of leader in mind, you can safely move the points in Might or Perception over to Int or Resolve. I'd keep the 16 dexterity no matter what, though.


    Why does perception score so low in relation to might / dex? Doesn't it give +1 accuracy and isn't accuracy great?


    Fighters have actives+passives that give a lot of conversion from Graze -> Hit, and some conversion from Hit -> Crit. So they still benefit from Accuracy, but they can prioritize other stats much more easily. (The PC is still a good character to have Perception on though, just for the sake of spotting everything.)


    With this split, or if I decided to slightly alter it to 15 Might/10 Con/16 Dex/15 Per/12 Int/10 Resolve, will all the Cipher spells be still somewhat usable/powerful? 



    Yep- as long as you stay at or above 10 Intelligence, Cipher spells are plenty usable/powerful.

  6. I'd go 16 Might/10 Con/16 Dex/16 Per/10 Int/10 Resolve. That's a healthy split without dumping any stats. Dialogue is much more passive skills now (diplomacy, intimidation, bluff, history, etc...), but if you have a certain type of leader in mind, you can safely move the points in Might or Perception over to Int or Resolve. I'd keep the 16 dexterity no matter what, though.


    Why does perception score so low in relation to might / dex? Doesn't it give +1 accuracy and isn't accuracy great?


    Fighters have actives+passives that give a lot of conversion from Graze -> Hit, and some conversion from Hit -> Crit. So they still benefit from Accuracy, but they can prioritize other stats much more easily. (The PC is still a good character to have Perception on though, just for the sake of spotting everything.)

    • Like 1


    What exactly are the numbers for the streetfighter bonuses and maluses? That is, how much bonus do they get to sneak attack and recovery time when flanked/bloodied, and how much of a penalty when they aren't?


    If I have a fighter/rogue that will be using full plate, dual-wielding and getting into the thick of things, is a streetfighter a no-brainer pick or not?

    Below 50% hp or flanked: -50% recovery, +50% sneak attack damage.

    Below 50% hp AND flanked: The above bonuses, +100% crit damage.


    If you're getting into the thick of things and using full plate, absolutely go Streetfighter.

    I thought the numbers were -20% recovery and +20% damage. Did it change for the release build? If so that is crazy string unless they massively increased the non-flanked penalty too.



    Streetfighter got a buff back in Beta 4. (Maybe Beta 3?)


    The penalty is still +20% recovery when neither flanked nor bloodied.

  8. What exactly are the numbers for the streetfighter bonuses and maluses? That is, how much bonus do they get to sneak attack and recovery time when flanked/bloodied, and how much of a penalty when they aren't?


    If I have a fighter/rogue that will be using full plate, dual-wielding and getting into the thick of things, is a streetfighter a no-brainer pick or not?


    Below 50% hp or flanked: -50% recovery, +50% sneak attack damage.

    Below 50% hp AND flanked: The above bonuses, +100% crit damage.


    If you're getting into the thick of things and using full plate, absolutely go Streetfighter.


    What do folks think of the Trickster subclass anyways? Was thinking of mixing that with something since I like it thematically, but the penalty seems fairly harsh. Do the defensive skills you get even help survivability much?



    I've found Mirror Image super useful. When you have 30 additional Deflection, enemies tend to target you less (or ignore you), regardless of the fact that each hit you take reduces the bonus.

  10. So... nobody knows? Or where they sit so that I can extract them from the correct file without searching around too much? Or is there a doc? I really don't want to find out all by myself.  ;)




    According to bb_abilities.gamedatabundle, the icons for abilities are at directories like 'gui/icons/abilities/chanter/dull_the_edge.png'. So, probably somewhere in 'assetbundles/gui.unity3d', but I don't know how to extract those or if they can be overridden like stuff in the 'exported' folder.

  11. Hi everyone.


    Question: if you wanna play a 'gunslinger' type of character, who is more about "rate of fire" than long-distance accuracy, is  Black Jacket+Ranger the best/only way to go (multiple double pistols) or there are other better/funnier options? :)


    Black Jacket goes well with anything if you wanna do multiple double pistols. I wouldn't consider Ranger a must-have.

    • Like 1
  12. Good thread.


    My question: If you lower a target's constitution, what happens to its current health? If a target has 75/100 health and loses 5 con from sickened, is its health now 75/75? 50/75? 57/75 (percentage stays same)?


    Also, on the topic of status effects, are they in general weaker now? In Pillars 1, stunned was -30 deflection, blinded was -20 deflection and -25 accuracy, and weakened was -20 will, -20 fortitude. Now, weakened only drops constitution by 5 and has a healing debuff, for instance.


    1) It would be 57/75 (the percentage would remain the same). So debuffing enemy Constitution is effectively buffing party damage. Here are some numbers from when I played Barbarian:

      Before activating Frenzy:

        124/192 (~65%)

      After activating Frenzy:

        152/235 (~65%)

      Before Frenzy expired:

        219/235 (~93%)

      After Frenzy expired:

        178/192 (~93%)


    2) There are still regular ol' debuffs that you can apply in addition to capital-a Afflictions, they vary in power similarly to in Pillars 1, and they do stack with Afflictions' effects. They can't remove Inspirations, though.


    As an example, you could apply Frightened, Blinded, and Confused to an enemy, and cast Arkemyr's Wondrous Torment (-10 res/int/per), and you'd be debuffing that enemy for a total of -15 res/int/per. But if you then cast Psychovampiric Shield (-10 res) on that enemy, it wouldn't stack with AWT.

    • Like 2
  13. The accuracy, health, and stat scaling for PotD (and Story Time) are unfortunately in code at the moment, though we can change that in a patch.


    EDIT: the data in the OP all applies specifically to Ship Combat.


    Ah, okay, thanks for letting me know! Hope you get the chance to patch it in :)

  14. I'm trying to mod POTD to remove the changes to enemies' stats, so that it's just "more enemies" and "better enemy AI". The only variables I can find are these:

                  "Difficulty": "PathOfTheDamned",
                  "EnemyHealthMultiplier": 1,
                  "EnemyDamageMultiplier": 1,
                  "EnemyShipAccuracyBonus": 0,
                  "PlayerEventChanceMultiplier": 1,
                  "EnemyEventChanceMultiplier": 1,
                  "PlayerCannotSink": "false"

    Is there any way to tweak the stat bonuses enemies get, or the number of enemies in encounters?


    (I think I've found the AI conditionals in the moddable files, so it looks like it's possible to make the AI more difficult on all levels, but I'd still like to have all the enemies.)

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  15. You can summon The Long Pain fists which IIRC act like fists but count as "weapons" that you can hover over and see the recovery time of. I forget what the base times were when I checked, though.


    There's no way to see the times on regular ol' fists, as far as I can tell.

  16. That seems to be too strong. Does it stack with Wounding Shot or Taste of the Hunt or the rogue's DoT upgrades of Crippling & Blinding Strike?


    It stacks with Deep Wounds. I assume it stacks with anything else as well. Now I need to take another look at all of the bleed upgrades/effects!


    (As an aside, axes and other weapons with high-recovery modals work great on Riposte swashbucklers.)

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