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About notrealdan

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  1. I don't think the 1.05 patch is released yet, but is in beta. Thankfully, Obsidian is aware of this issue (see their note in the above conversation) and 1.05 is reported to have significant changes to the save/load system, so I would be surprised if this wasn't addressed there. I'm using the GOG version, so I can't speak first hand about the beta. I hope we'll know for sure soon! In the meantime, moving the graphics quality slider all the way down (left) has completely worked-around this issue for me. I've been able to play without a single crash by doing that on my late-2013 MacBook Pro (13" Retina). For anyone who hasn't seen them yet... 1.05 beta patch notes (they mention that a lot of fixes are not listed in the notes, however...): http://forums.obsidian.net/blog/7/entry-183-patch-notes-105-in-progress/ Beta patch announcement (where the save/load changes are mentioned): https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/78824-105-patch-beta-live-on-steam/
  2. Well, shoot. I played again today and the game crashed on the first save. I guess I was just lucky the other day and that Apple update didn't change anything with regards to this issue. Carry on...
  3. I've been having this issue recently also, and have worked around it by turning down the graphics quality setting. There was an update to OS X on April 16th that claims to fix at least one problem with the video driver. I applied this today, and after doing so, I was able to play for about 4 hours or so with graphics turned all the way up and fullscreen, and no crashes! The update states, "The OS X Yosemite 10.10.3 Supplemental Update fixes a video driver issue that may prevent your Mac from starting up when running certain apps that capture video." It doesn't sound directly related, but it's possible it also has the effect of fixing this issue. Or I may have just been lucky while playing today... Here's Apple's page about the update: https://support.apple.com/kb/DL1807?locale=en_US
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