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Posts posted by interrupt

  1. Corporations can post a big quarterly loss, or have their revenue/profit be down significantly compared to comparable quarters, and still come out very profitable at the end of the fiscal year (EA for example). And, these losses do not necessarily mean that product is not selling; a lot of publishers and developers are investing heavily in R&D, marketing and other costs in preperation for the next generation of games so many of them are likely to have similiar quarters.


    Since 1998, Nintendo netted 4.9 billion dollars in profit, Sony (game division) netted roughly the same and the Microsoft games division lost 3.6 billion. It's safe to say that Nintendo is doing just fine.


    For more clarification on Nintendo's bottom line, read this:


    Nintendo vs. Everyone

  2. I think the US Army Games Liaison Unit needs to go and get some in-country time in the Middle East.


    Actually, many of the Army advisors helping with the Army prototype 'Full Spectrum Warrior' either saw combat time in Desert Storm or held/hold active training roles at Army institutions across the country. The commerical version of the simulation is certainly sexxxed up for the general public but the original prototype was very much a product of constant collaboration between the developers and experienced Army SMEs.


    - Scott Warner

  3. The LucasArts marketing campaign for Mercenaries was designed to start selling the game post "hugest quarter ever for video games." It's a brand new intellectual property and as such likely would have got lost in the Halo 2/Half Life 2/GTA3/KOTOR 2/ETC barrage pre Xmas. That's why many people are like "What is this? Why have I never heard of this?"


    I hope some of you pick it up. It was a blast to make and I'm sure at least some of you will have a good time with it.


    - Scott Warner

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