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Posts posted by THOMAS_W

  1. I have noted an issue whereby the sound will glitch or stop momentarily when a conversation option is selected. It is most obvious when there is music in the background and upon either mouse clicking or keyboard selecting a conversation response the sound will noticeably cut and then resume. It doesn't happen every time, but is frequent and persists through reloads and restarts of my system. 


    While I could not find others on this tech support forum with the issue, it was noted in the Pillars thread on the SomethingAwful forums, suggesting that it is not unique to my system. 



  2. On the issue of Abydon's body, it is my understanding that the prevailing mythology (whether true or not in relation to the gods' true history) is that Magran helped Abydon create a new form for himself, and has been closely aligned with (some would likely say subservient to) Magran ever since.


    This is all of course quite debatable, as it posits the question whether the gods have physical bodies at all. Everything we know suggests that they don't, but at the same time, it is obvious that this embodiment of Abydon is as an important part to the mythology or the "real" history behind the mythology as the story of the burning of Woedica, physically, literally, scarring her forever.


    Is it that debatable that the gods have physical forms? I mean you literally find a skyscraper sized corpse of one, he is tangibly there. If not Abydon then what is it? 

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