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Posts posted by teegal

  1. I agree. And I highly doubt that BioWare's going to make something that goes in KoTOR's direction because of TOR. They're not going to backpedal on anything they've created at this point, especially considering how much time and money went into it - no matter how much of a fail it is. They're going to try to keep it alive for all it's worth. I wouldn't really say it's much of a sound business decision, but it gives them more credibilty as a company if they stick to what they've created rather than ditching such a huge project and develop a third KoTOR instead.


    But then again, I wouldn't want a third KoTOR to be developed by BioWare anyway.


    As for Obsidian, I really hope they'll get a chance to develop another Star Wars RPG somehow, considering how eager they seem, KoTOR or not. It's just that there seem to be too many obstacles to overcome for that to happen anytime soon.

    But hope dies last...

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