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Posts posted by Porterianistic

  1. Hello! I just googled Dungeon SIege 4 and this was one of the hits that came up. It may seem like a moaning post but here it goes anyway. You ruined Dungeon Siege (and you know it) go back to the Dungeon Siege 2 style. Please I beg you if you are making another Dungeon SIege make it like it was originally. Using a weapon gets your combat up using a bow gets your ranged up and so forth. At the end of the day I wasted £40 on a game that was so linear my cat could probably play it even though they don't have opposable thumbs. I have been playing games for 10+ years now and I have never posted on any forum, but I feel so strongly about this that I feel compelled to post. I bought Diablo 3 on release and many people complained about it having too much of a loot variation and that the auction house had made the game practically a gold farm (they have now rectified this with loot improvements) BUT the game was essentially Diablo 1 and 2 but better. Yes you need to make it more accessible for console players and the mouse clicking to move characters was a hindrance if you didn't actually have a mouse. But I'm sorry, we PC players were here first. There are PLENTY more console games and that you can make revenue on. If not make a new one! Queue the abuse or post deletion. Perhaps surprise me and support me in this.

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