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CastleBravo, I agree wih most of what you said, the illusion of freedom is important, and I also realize that compared to Fallout, Kotor seems way too linear, but you also have to understand that Kotor is more of a "console" rpg (I dont particulary like that way of categorazing it, but it will have to do for now). I have played moistly console rpgs so I dont really have a problem with the linear feel, because I am more in favor of a complicated and well developed story, and characters, which console rpgs tend to do more. As long as I enjoy the situations and feel rewarded I couldnt care less for what I cant do, because I am enjoying what I am doing, (and usually I dont even realize I dont have freedom to choose because I am to sucked up in the game) I feel its unfair to try to compare Kotor with Fallout or Morrowind, heck even the wizardry series, as they tackle the genre in many different ways, linearity is not a bad thing as many put it to be. For me at least, I usually get the feeling in traditional pc rpgs, that my char is not that grand as opposed to console rpgs. Of course this is not always the case. Usually a linear path makes for some very cinematic and out of this world situations, which I like. Well that although it seems really ilogical is not too much, as they needed you, and they already knew that you could turn to the darkside and all, they knew you were Revan. The point is that if you look too closely you will always see faults, in any game, especially if you compare it to another game (of course if you are biased you will never see its faults and will rationalize everything). Each game you play you have to look at it with no previous preconceptions, or else you will miss the point and not enjoy it because you are too tided up with the "faults". I mean just enjoy the goddamn game stop whining!!! You sound like Carth!!
No Bastila or Atris in Playboy??
Soleyu replied to Bobba Fett's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Me too. Anyway, I read some guys saying I love her for her personality and stuff, what are you feminists? I mean first and foremost I am a guy and as much as it pains me to admit it, if the girl is hot, and has an idiotic personality, I will overlook the personality, if she is hot and has a cool personality I will marry her, if she is ugly and has a great personality she will be my friend. But remember hottness is determined by the eye of the beholder. About CG characters, lets face it they were DESIGNED to be hot PERIOD. There is no way avoiding it, the will look hot to the mayotiry of the population, there is no sin in admitting that (although seeing them naked in playboy is another matter entirely, which has many different views and I will not get in that now.) And BTW, Bastila was a grat character, I really liked how they handled her personality but her DS persona was a bit pushed, to me it didn't feel too natural, for her. About Playboy beign for only old lonely guys, please, Guys with girlfriends, hot girlfrineds have playboy and porn, as so do many other guys, I mean men are DESIGNED to look for sex everywhere, thats the way we are and I consider it much healthy to look at playboy than to go shagging every single girl that I see. Just my two cents. -
How to hold a lightsabre. Kotor 1 got this wrong.
Soleyu replied to xG-9's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
The thing about the lightsabers is that they lend themselves to pretty much any style of attack, be it slashing lunging or whatever, because the whole "blade" is "sharp". Now I dont know much about fencing or Kenjustsu or whatever but I do know some physycs, the reason that the blade cuts, besides its edge is its momentum, which its defined by its mass, if the blade were truly wheightless it would demand a different style of use, as the blade would not create any resistance or give you any sense of weight, it would be like using only a hilt. BTW, katanas do have momentum and speed, the technique is what gives it the momentum and speed by using your body and weight to leverage the katana, but this works because the katana also has weight, the blade's weight is what "channels" your momentum and technique. In reality it doesnt really matter how much momentum you would give a lightsaber, as it doesnt need it, the katanas and other real swords do. You could swing at any speed and still cut the same (as alanschu so well put), as opposed to a katana, this is the same for blocking, as the lightsaber has no weight you could put any strenght in blocking and the lightsaber would block it the same (especially against another lightsaber), as it would not shift the weight on your block and the attack would not have any strenght. The only thing that truly matters is the speed of your swing so your attack would hit. Another thing I find it really doubtful that the attacks were designed with a block in mind, as you know if you block a katana with another the blade would chip really badly, as both are razor sharp. The whole point was to make one killer attack, especially in a war were you had to worry of 40 other a*****es trying to kill you. Feel freee to correct me if im wrong, as I said i dont really know too much about fencing, just some things that I have been investigating (more like reading when I casually found it) throughout the years. See ya later. -
Should Revan have an "official" face/storyline?
Soleyu replied to Eddo36's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Well to tell the truth I really wouldnt see too much harm in making an official Revan Story, I mean there have been a lot different characters that have been already established which got different personalities and stories depending on the author (Fanfics, some games and whatnot). Although I would think that it would end up beign LS, male Revan. First and foremost, how on all heavens would the Republic fight against Revan if they lost a good chunk of their fleet in the star forge battle? and besides revan beign the genious that he is wouldnt have killed Bastila in order to use her battle meditation. So it would have ended up beign a LS Revan, he would be male, because quite simply I got the feeling that the story was more directed for a male character and besides, most people I have seen describe Revan as a male, yes even women, of course not all, Atomic Space Vixen, can attest to that :D Nur Ab Sal, my best guess is that you like to defined personalities in game, right? It seems to me that you see the whole avatar thing the wrong way. The reason for Revan not beign defined is that you can have freedom of choice to do with the character what you want, if Revan was defined your choices in how you play the game would have been limited. Besides not having a defined personality for your char, enables you to enter the game and play as yourself, immersing you in the gameworld(at least thats the idea), which would create an emotional attachment to the npcs as you see them through your eyes and how they react to your behaviour (which the game accomplished wih you quite well I see) and making the same attachment to your game persona, as it would be YOU who is revan. I would suggest you that you play KOTOR from that frame of mind, it will be more rewarding as you can give Revan any personality you like (from an ultra badass who has a kind heart towards slaves, or a kind man who thinks all people should be helped but snaps when is pressured) which you can certanly do in Kotor. About the whole anakin/vader/sidious vs Revan vs Exar Kun vs whatever, you cant really compare them, they are all portrayed quite different and the same goes to the extent of their powers, I mean, just what the hell can vader do against Naga Sadow, who blew up TWO FRICKING STARS with just his force power. Anakin my have the highest midi chlorian count ever recorded he could have been born from the Force (which I dont buy, i think his mother just got too drunk to remeber who exactly made her pregnant, oh those Tatooine parties can be wild :D ) but can -
Just thought to put my two cents: There is something you are all forgetting, the more complicated (or developed) the story, the less choices you can make, for Fallout, as great a game as it was, it had virtually no story, you were just a guy trying to get the water chip, as opposed to Kotor, in which you are Revan, in a path of self discovery. The main difference is in the scope of the story (more importantly characters), sure in morrowind and fallout you could go on quests that had their own storyline and all, but those really didnt had squat to do with you. And also sidekicks tend to be not very deep in traditional CRPGS. There is NO open rpg, even in pen and paper rpgs there are limitations in what you can choose to do, as the game master can force you to do thngs in a campaing in order to advance the game. If a game were truly open, you could have just stayed in a cantina getting drunk with Ithorian beer, and told the galaxy to go to hell (the Twileks are more interesting ) Now onto specific things, from what I could gather the arguments about choices was that it dint affect the gameworld much, well it did, its just that you couldnt see an inmediate effect of them, I mean what did you expect, everything takes time, not because you kill the leader of the veks or the vulkars everything is going to change, it still takes time as there would be survivors and what not. (And besides there is absolutely nothing you can do, Taris gets destroyed that is out of your control, the only feasible thing would have been crashing the hawk in the leviathan, but then is game over), the same goes fo the wookies and most other things. I agree that people reacted quite simaraly if you were a DS or a LS, i mean they should have feared you or something, but remember that we are going to different planets. What I didnt like was the ending, i mean it was good and all but I expected more, it would have been better if besides beign a hero (yeah Pure LS) you could see the aftermath, like how Revan and Bastila continue with their romance, seeing how each of the crew part to go on with their lives (kinda like Chrono Trigger, for those console Rpgers). Well to end my two (more like five) cents, FF and Console rpgs ARE RPGS, the just a are a different bred, more story driven ones, soy what you want but there is MORE story in console rpgs than there is in "traditional" Rpgs. Its not necessary for you to create a character to role play it, I mean you are ROLE PLAYING, you take on another role, you dont make so much choices but you are still taking its role (ever hear of immersion and emotional attachment, KOTOR excelled in this.) Well that is all I have to say for now, see ya later.