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Posts posted by Centurion

  1. To anyone that's saying Rome: Total War is complicated:


    Don't buy the game Victoria.


    Hah i hear that :D trying to get to grips with Victoria now infact-not going too bad on my...4th go!


    Rome Total War is a decent game, but its certainly not as good as it could have been.

    Battles are too fast and the AI too dumb!



  2. Aren't the imperial guard just like the space marines?  I wanted those necro things instead!


    Theyre not quite the same, space marines are the ultimate warriors for the humans empire genetically made and enhanced occasionally agumented with technological implants and have the best of the best in terms of equipment (power armour) tanks, training spaceships etc

    problem is there are only a few of them relatively speaking in small chapters.


    Imperial Guard are more comparable to the troops of today (how they look etc) theyre no were near as effective as space marines in the warhammer 40k universe, they rely on sheer numbers of poorly equipped everyday soldiers to hault their enemies.So the similarity is, that theyre both fighting on the same side, but ones vastly better at it than the other.


    I was abit dissapointed that the fifth 'race' is Imperial Guards, afterall you could control some of their units in the single player campaign, necrons would have been interesting (think terminators) or maybe even Tyranids or dark eldar etc, but then i saw the screenshot of the IG tank and now i cant wait :geek: , im sure their will be more tweaks to the existing gameplay as well as the additionally fully playable IG.



  3. Gamershell says its been announced!!


    "1up.com has confirmed that BioWare and Obsidian Entertainment (a company made up of a number of former Black Isle Studios members) are working on a sequel to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, the RPG hit launched on PC and Xbox last year. Details will be revelead in June issues of Electronic Gaming Monthly and Computer Gaming World magazines"



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