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Posts posted by sunburnedpenguin

  1. I second the interest in Sui Generis.


    I am not a giant fan of real-time combat and would love if this game employed turn-based combat or gave the ability to pause during fighting to allow for issuing commands (parry, dodge, lunge, chop, thrust, etc.) rather than being a clickfest. That said, the graphics are gorgeous, and the plot and concept unique enough that I would risk carpel tunnel to play it. :)

  2. I am not a giant fan of real-time combat and would love if this game employed turn-based combat or gave the ability to pause during fighting to allow for issuing commands (parry, dodge, lunge, chop, thrust, etc.) rather than being a clickfest. That said, the graphics are gorgeous, and the plot and concept unique enough that I would risk carpel tunnel to play it. :)

  3. While we patiently (yeah right!) wait for work to be completed on Project Eternity, what other Kickstarter projects are worthy of our support? Surely there will be other RPG projects similar in spirit which we all would like a hand in supporting. This seems like a good place to discuss them.


    One extremely promising and unique project is Sui Generis. Though their budget is a fraction of Project Eternity's, they are struggling to get funding. I am surprised that there hasn't been more interest! Their home-crafted engine is extremely impressive, and the story is intriguing:


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