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Posts posted by Petrikov

  1. At first, I felt the Vithracks were just mindflayer expies. It certainly didn't help that when they were first introduced it was because someone at Obsidian really liked mindflayers. But, thinking about it, even if they do have basically the same lore as mindflayers only modified to fit PoE's setting, they are an improvement to some extent. Mindflayers, at least to me, never seem very threatening, because the mystery around them just doesn't work. Plus, they have that "We like H.P. Lovecraft so all our eldritch things have tentacles," nonsense going on. Vithrack, on the other hand, seem much more alien to me, if only because imaging trying to non-telepathically communicate with one is far more unsettling. Also, spiders don't live in the ocean, so the threat seems more grounded.

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