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Posts posted by Jarest

  1. Yes, UncleBourbon, I think you have made an apt analysis of the situation. I live in Sweden, and here sex is considered decidedly less repulsive than violence for some reason :)


    I think the undermining of the word "mature" is confusing at best, among other things for the ratings reasons you mention, and rather sad at worst. I think maturity (in the non-rating sense of the word) is something to admire and strive for ... in moderation :)

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  2. How is it that in the entertainment industry, the word "mature" has come to mean sex scenes, violence and the oh so dreaded "bad" language? Is it an American thing? Where I live, a mature work of art is one of vision, wisdom, depth and insight, which by the way is something I have come to expect, to a lesser or greater degree, from the writing in Obsidian's games. Along with the sex, violence and "bad" language, of course :)

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