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Posts posted by Wasabi

  1. I found out about the Rusalka from playing Quest for Glory 4: Shadow of Darkness a long time ago.


    Name: Rusalka




    " In Slavic mythology, a rusalka is a female ghost, water nymph, succubus, or mermaid-like demon that dwelt in a waterway. According to most traditions, the rusalki were fish-women, who lived at the bottom of rivers. In the middle of the night, they would walk out to the bank and dance in meadows. If they saw handsome men, they would fascinate them with songs and dancing, mesmerize them, then lead them away to the river floor to their death. "


    " Rusalki can also come from unbaptized children, often those who wereborn out of wedlock and drowned by their mothers for that reason. Baby rusalki supposedly wander the forest begging to be baptised so that they can have peace. They are not necessarily innocent, however, and can attack a human foolish enough to approach them."





    • Mind Control: Force your party member(s) to attack you and your group.
    • Bonded: Her health is shared and added as well between the mind controlled party member(s).


    • High resistance to fire based attacks.
    • Low: Strength
    • High: Health, Agility


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  2. i do not like your idea because there is less time for obsdian to complete the game.




    Edit: Even though its for after the game is released, i rather have all the excess funds/resource goes into making the Expansion(s).


    If they can make money, they'll do it.


    If they can please fans, they'll do it.


    I see them making a console version in 2015.



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  3. 8 is pretty much the perfect amount in my opinion. It's just enough to cover all your bases well (not enough for every class, but enough to cover every conceivable basic function within a group). Any more than that and you run the risk of not having enough time/resources to properly devote to each companion and you wind up with shallow companions. I'd rather have a smaller number of well fleshed out, interesting, colorful companions, than a whole bunch of cardboard cutouts.


    I agree, maybe a few more will be added in the expansion(s). And if Obsidian is confident adding more well developed companions, well good for us lol

  4. Monthly sounds about right: regularity is more important than frequency. I wouldn't object to more frequent updates but don't need them. It's also worth bearing in mind that the more the devs answer to the community, the more some people will grow to think that the devs are answerable to the community. A little bit of distance seems healthier for everyone.


    Good point, I gotta say I agree with this.

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