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Posts posted by Amyrantha

  1. I'm still of the opinion that Windows8 is going to be what shoves me into finally being a Linux user, once Win7 became no longer viable. There are some features about Win8 that sound ok/appealing, but for my old fashioned self, not enough to put up with the things that I think sound horrid. I still don't even love Win7. :p


    But I will definitely be interested in what people who use it for a while have to say.


    I'm pretty much in the same camp. I'm tolerating Windows 7, but Windows 8 is making me seriously consider going across to linux

  2. I'd rather a white knight than a mysogynerd ****tard any day of the week.


    But then I'm only a woman who has donated to this kickstarter I mean what does my opinion matter right? If the majority of the demographic is white that means racism is allowed since sexism is okay when the majority are men. /sarcasm


    I don't want my female playable characters to look like strippers just as I'm sure you don't want your male playable characters to look like Edward from Twilight. I don't see why it's such an imposition. I mean you aren't going to die if a woman doesn't flash some boob at you every five minutes.


    Well, there's an overreaction. I can imagine Obsidian people reading this thread and either laughing or getting a headache.


    I'm not sure why, but this gif struck me as appropriate to the situation



  3. I like the idea when there's a large cast of companions. Then you can replace them. But with only 8? If they come to blows, let it not be to the death. Can't afford the attrition.

    I tend to agree, with only 8 companions having them kill each other would really suck. I know we have the adventurers hall but rolling your own companions just isn't the same as having unique, storied companions for me.

  4. In the grand scheme of things, giving experience or not giving it for killing a measly pack of wolves really doesn't matter. People might be a bit shocked at first when they don't get their XP, but they're still going to kill the wolves threatening their party.


    Yep. It's about survival. I think the mindset of "I must get XP for battles" comes in part from the fact that combat in games these days is so damn easy. So you need XP to make that mindless busy-work worth your while.


    I agree with you, if the combat is fun and challenging, and incorporated into the objective based system fluidly, I don't think not getting xp for every single insignificant enemy is a problem.

  5. Killing someone withour people knowing it was you should require thought, massacring everyone does not and should not be rewarded.


    Explain why one way should be and another not? They should both be rewarded with different and unique content.


    No, I think I have explained perfectly well, if the player wants to go around murdering everyone in real life they should accept the consequences of their actions, there is a reason why people who go on killing sprees end up dead.


    I just had an image of a bunch of do-gooder paladins hunting you down in game for burninating a village or other equally dastardly deeds. Could be fun.

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  6. Only loosely related, but I'll tell you what I really hate about music in some games. You're strolling along, when suddenly epic orchestral battle music starts. You get your sword/fireball hands ready, look around, expecting a dragon or a bunch of orcs or at least a rival adventuring party, only to discover you're being attacked by *insert ****ty low level enemy here*. Massive anticlimax.

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