Just found my way to learn about this project. Very interessting and refreshing!
I was wondering about the possibility of failure. Yes. In most RPGs your descisions can seal the fate of kingdoms and people, your companions may live or die, even the hero can live or die. But from the moment you learn about the Big Problem, you know that you will solve it by the end of the game. Regardless of what choices you made.
(Except the 4th ending to a particular game that does not involve a colorful explosion. *hint*)
I think that if done well, failure can be as satisfying as success. It also adds a dimension to choices. Or combination of choices. "If I do what is Right in this case...is it also what is necessary? Will I save a few...but lose the war?". Or "I have two rival groups both bound to be by my great charisma..but when push comes to shove, when victory depends on cohesion...will they be able to work together?"
When the game ends, you can look at the ending and say "I have lost the war, but I've never betrayed the ideals and always did what is right", perhaps even something as trivial as "Alright, my character has failed to solve the problem...but he did have this amazing romance for which he sacrificed everything else."
What do you think? Can failure be as satisfying as success in the end?