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About ExtraLarge

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  • Interests
    Paizo Pathfinder Society RPG
    Paizo Pathfinder Adventure Paths
    Pazio Pathfinder RPG Mechanics
  1. I like dwarves & elves & all other traditional D&D races that take some human virtues & flaws to the extreme. And yes I'd like to see these familiar races in a new setting, be they twisted or not. But in the end the races are part of the content, and content is created by the developers so that they can show US, THEIR vision. People, just let them make a setting they want, we'll grumble later while we're laughing at a new giant space hamster animal companion. Ish.
  2. Thank you sir! You wrote down exactly what I wanted to say, but was unable to get out of my addled brian
  3. Nope. But if it is similar to how you "build" your castle in Neverwinter Nights 2, then yes, it would be cool. ^_^
  4. I'm a D&D and Pathfinder enthusiast. I'm also a megalomaniac that likes to control nations, towns and people. So when RPG games like Baldur's Gate 2 and Neverwinter Nights 2 offered a control over a castle and some of its features I flipped from joy. I would like to see such an option in the Project Eternity, but like in BG2 I wouldn't want it to be a part of the main plot. I want to earn the privilage of owning/ruling/runing a establishment/keep/castle type thing. I want there to be multiple possibilites of losing that special place to various game elements like robbers, political scheeming or downright overthrowing of power, AND I want that, if such a scenario does happen, I'm able to finish the game's main quest and watch one of the many possible endings depicted with a drawing + narration, like in NwN 2: Mask of Betrayer. One of the Stretch goals in the Kickstarter is a customisable house, so there's a start. But more then the my wish upstairs I want see how my character INFLUENCES the World. By allying himself to one goverment he makes enemies with the rebels, or vice versa. I would like to see multiple paths that allow you to join organizations, good or evil, and with care end up on top of those organizations. That influence is what would allow you to say become a "Owner of a Dwarven Holdfast" or "Founder of a Elven House", not just in title but with responsobilities (managing the affairs of your special place as noted at the start of the post) and new quest linking to it. Playing Characters are, more often then not, true Heroes that change the world (or at least the country they're in). A small Fortress would be a nice way to display their power and growing legend.
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