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Posts posted by mindx2

  1. Don't know if this has been asked or answered but, "How will this affect the signed CEs if any?" If the signed CEs will take as longgggggggggggg as InXile's W2 then I have no problem with option #2 as I would still have to wait. However, it seems OE has their act together more than InXile so maybe there won't be such a longggggggggggg wait for the signed CEs.......hopefully?


    Not at all happy with the Blu-ray "turning into" a digital reward... :verymad:


    ... in other words:


    We were faced with a bit of a dilemma when it came to the full documentary footage. In order to provide a physical copy of the documentary when the game shipped, we would be unable to show the final leg of production in order to have time to print all of the discs and packaging decided to go cheap because Paradox wants to maximize their profits at the expense of KS backers like me.


    Perhaps I'm being cynical but changing physical rewards to digital means less expense for their publishing "partners" even though backers (a.k.a. "old-school box collectors") like myself spent hundreds of dollars, above and beyond, for those physical pieces... I HATE digital downloads/ rewards/ etc. It stinks of being cheap and really not having the person own it. Yes, the core game matters most but I, and others I'm sure, put in a lot more than most would pay for any game with the promise of certain extras.


    Just disappointed but we'll see what else changes before release...


    You're not being cynical, you're being tinfoil-hat-conspiracy-nut-cracy whose convinced that the profits of a tangentially relevant publisher is to blame for Obsidian wanting to deliver the best content they can to us, their fans, even if that means changing the method of that delivery. 



    Regardless as to their actual motive for "changing the method of delivery", it is a change from what was originally promised and people paid for. Those who choose digital only could care less, I get that, but many spent much larger sums for promised physical rewards. I've backed many games on KS because of the promise for a return to "old school" games including the promise of "old school" boxes full of feelies/ trinkets/ extras that we used to get back in the day.


    I'm just one of those grumpy old gamers that doesn't feel like I own anything that is digitally delivered. I want the physical boxed game on my shelf. :bat:

  3. Not at all happy with the Blu-ray "turning into" a digital reward... :verymad:


    ... in other words:


    We were faced with a bit of a dilemma when it came to the full documentary footage. In order to provide a physical copy of the documentary when the game shipped, we would be unable to show the final leg of production in order to have time to print all of the discs and packaging decided to go cheap because Paradox wants to maximize their profits at the expense of KS backers like me.


    Perhaps I'm being cynical but changing physical rewards to digital means less expense for their publishing "partners" even though backers (a.k.a. "old-school box collectors") like myself spent hundreds of dollars, above and beyond, for those physical pieces... I HATE digital downloads/ rewards/ etc. It stinks of being cheap and really not having the person own it. Yes, the core game matters most but I, and others I'm sure, put in a lot more than most would pay for any game with the promise of certain extras.


    Just disappointed but we'll see what else changes before release...

  4. mindx2... let me put it this way:


    Do you trust Obsidian to care about having a nice boxed-copy product? If so, then trust them to not decide "yeah sure, Paradox... just whatever you wanna do with a box. If it's technically boxed in some way, then we don't really care what it looks like." Then, trust Obsidian to have intelligently chosen Paradox partly due to the fact that they actually follow their partners' wishes (have in the past and therefore are reputable). THEN, trust Paradox to not have built up a solid reputation for providing quality marketing/distribution service, only to suddenly give Obsidian the finger and say "to HELL with your wishes on the quality of the boxed copies!"


    See, I know I'm weird, but that's how my brain works whenever a concern arises. There are things that could just possibly happen, in isolation, and then there are the probabilities that remain after you apply all the relevant factors of reality and the given situation. Paradox could do a horrible job of what they've been tasked with, but then, what are the actual odds of that, and what factors actually support that potentiality?


    I don't know... how about a little thing called money and profit magin...


    It's all fine and dandy that you have blind faith in Obsidian but as they have stated themselves, they aren't publishers nor do they want much to do with it. I do have faith that in them as developers and the quality of the game. However, I am hoping someone from Obsidian would just post their own re-assurances to those concerned and that their KS backers will still be receiving that "old-school" physical reward.


    Remember I mentioned Harebrained Schemes who also promised an "old-school" boxed edition but what was ultimately sent out was certainly lacking.

  5. I am concerned that Paradox will just go all "industry standard" on the physical boxed copies and I'll end up with something cheaply made (ie. save every penny possible) and decidedly NOT old-school like Harebrained Schemes did with SR. I wanted and paid a lot of money for a big box, map, thick manual, etc. like many of my vintage games sitting on my shelf right now!! They're outsourcing this to a publisher that probably doesn't care about that aspect of Kickstarter that got people like myself excited about cRPGs again. Granted the game itself is the most important thing here but I could have pledged a lot less for "just the game." I paid a premium for the collector/ nostalgia part and hope Obsidian reminds their new partners of that fact.


    Can anyone from Obsidian comment on this...?

  6. Since Obsidian wants our opinions I'll state mine here in regards to romances: NO!... please. Romance/ sex does NOT equal deep characterization. There are so many other ways to convey emotion (friendship/platonic love/brother-in-arms/love of family/etc.) that doesn't lead to the inevitable bedroom romp. To me this comes across as juvinielle and stereotipical. Focus on characterization which does NOT equate to sex. Saywer and MCA are smarter than that.

    • Like 6
  7. Not a fan of cooldowns at all! There are so many other ways to implement vanacian magic with restricted resting. They could have let resting occur anywhere on an easy setting and limit it on harder settings Make certain areas No-resting, have ranger skills to allow resting in certain enviroments, etc. This just seems like a modern Big Boy publisher "streamlining" move to me. :banghead: Just feels like a lazy and easy way out. Hope whatever you guys have planned is better than ANY cooldown system I've seen. This news really is a downer.

    • Like 2
  8. Stretch goals are supposed to generate an uptick in pledges. These rather lame stretch goals have done the opposite by slowing down pledges. Reminds me when Fargo suggested a "social" aspect in W2 and pledges went down significantly. Just a bad move on Obsidian's part whether they were unprepared for the initial goal being met or they really thought those stretch goals would help.

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