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Posts posted by Josan

  1. Planescape: Torment will always be my favourite game. The writing, the characters, the mood, the music, for me nothing will ever top it.


    Calling this a sequel instead of a successor is a bit misleading but whatever. I'm naturally intrigued by what they're doing and will definitely check it out should it see the light of day. It won't be Planescape: Torment. Nothing ever will. But hopefully it will be a well written, immersive game.


    I do wonder why WotC are such twits though. It's not like they're doing anything with the setting as far as I know.

  2. I'm really surprised by the timing of this. Not disappointed but surprised. He was never the saviour so many Leafs fans claimed he'd be but I thought the new ownership would see how the team fared this season.

  3. Ha! Indeed.


    Seriously though, it all depends on the players adjusting to Carlye's system.


    Scoring goals wasn't a problem. They were 10th in the league last year. They were also 29th in goals against.


    I don't know if Reimer is the answer. It's possible it was just a bad year, sophmore slump combined with the concussion. It's also possible that his hot half season debut the year before was a fluke. Time will tell. And while Luongo would be an obvious upgrade... I just don't know if he'd A) come to TO and B) is what the team really needs. Of course, if he does go to the Leafs, I think he'd certainly want to prove something considering how things wound up in Vancouver.



    With 11 million tied up on the blue line in just Phaneuf and Komisarek? I just don't that happening.


    Oh, and Volourn, bosses don't usually fire people for doing their bidding.

  5. Ah, Volourn, I haven't had the pleasure of reading your posts for several years. What can I say? This thread finally prompted me to make a post here.


    Hockey is back. I had no sympathy for either side but at least I'll have something to watch on TV on Saturday that's better than the swill on the History Channel. Now if only Don Cherry would retire...

  6. Indeed, I can't think of a single time Vis has liked any game.


    As for DA, never played them (don't do consoles... yet. May have no choice. Word on the street is that true crpg's are a thing of the past).


    As for IWD3... in recently replaying all the BIS titles (I was nostalgic and took the summer off and well...) I've decided I like IWD better than BG. I like the art/backgrounds better, the music is more to my taste so I wouldn't mind an IWD3 if that's what it turned out to be.

  7. For you, Josan, no warnings.  Only dark looks...  :madr:


    Glad to see you still come here from time to time.  If you could just get Cappy to come and say hello, it would be a family reunion!


    Next time give us a desktop, dammit.


    When's the last time you talked to Cappy? He emailed me just after New Years about a family issue and no-one has heard from him since.


    Hmm... once upon a time... didn't we tell people to keep on topic and confine this kinda blabbing to PMs? o:)


    No favouristism here metadigital, just, uh... catching up. yeah, that's it.

  8. Hmm. Sex does indeed sell. At least, that's the opinions of marketing departments. I don't watch TV but I assume the commercials are as blatant as billboards and magazine adds I see.


    As for sex in games, don't see the point really. If a romance suits the story line, there can be innuendo but I don't need to see pixels poking each other. Maybe I'm just getting conservative in my old age but I'm of the belief that "less is more".

  9. PS-T is the only game that's ever elicited an emotional response from me. It's that bit with Deionarra in the mortuary. Som eof the dialogue, combined with the music just gets to me.


    It's a matter of taste I would think. There's a lot of reading involved but for me, the level of immersion surpasses any other game I've played. PS-T was never about combat. It was never a hack n slash game.


    It also has a "special place" for me because it's the game that introduced me to BIS. I often wish I could go to a hyponotherapist, have all memory of the game "wiped" just so I could rediscover it again.

  10. Every board has the ability and the right to read PMs.  Most boards don't read PMs.  It's tedious enough reading the actual threads around here than to read PMs.


    Indeed. He's still bitter that Val never got his interview uploaded fast enough for his liking. That's old news. Out with the bad air, in with the good. Out with the bad air, in with the good.


    And on the note of pics, kq3's isn't in the gallery and hasn't been for quite some time. It may still be in the original thread it was posted in though. Eldar's pic isn't the "No" image anymore. In fact, we don't even have it anymore. Sad day because it does make a damn fine desktop! :devil:


    And btw Eldar, how the heck are ya? Heard you were a mod over here so I figured it was an excuse to track ya down.


    Hmm. Better get on topic before Eldar warns me.


    We have an astronomy picture of the day thread at WW and most of my desktops come from there. OK, I'm covered. Be gentle with me old buddy.

  11. I think the interview is quite enjoyable. It answers a few questions and keeps a light tone.


    We always try to keep humour as an element of any interview we do. I get quite bored reading interviews that are too technical or game/engine specific in nature. Besides, simple fact is, Frank can't spill a lot of info on NWN2 right now. We'll try to be drier with our next interview. ;)


    I will say this though, I am worried about crazy.joe's obsession with this whole Dreamcast thing. I don't think it's healthy.

  12. I aim to please.


    I wonder what Obsidian thinks about Interplay's boards and Missy's boards going down at the same time. This place is like a refugee camp. Pretty soon someone's gonna create some sort of Interplay Liberation Group here.

    Feargus hacked them.

  13. Now, be kind to Vis.  He knows not what he does.  Nor does he know what you do.  In fact, he is lucky to know the day of the week, his name, his birthday, or even human speech.  Still, we love Hades-One because we are sensitive men who can admit when we are hurt.  I'm with Josan all the way on this.  I'm a man of the 21st century, dammit, and I've evolved from the knuckle dragging, beetle browed, jutting jawed cave era of the 90s.  I can still drink beer, though, can't I?


    Eldar, your humour always cracks me up. Kudos. Where is Buns. I feel like a hug.

  14. The one thing I've always wondered about you, Jackalmonkey is: are you a jackal, or a monkey, or both? There's something not right.


    As for you buns.... I'm glad you enjoyed Winterwind. Are you sure you don't want to join the mod team?

    Hey, we could make him uberadmin or something and get him a calculator so he can add up the number of users and subtract the number of mods from that number. Math never lies.

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