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Everything posted by Belias

  1. As long as it's done tastefully and realistically. Far too often in recent games those types of characters seem thrown in there for the sake of satisfying a political correctness quota rather than to organically flesh out the world and story line and as such they often stick out like a sore thumb and ruin the immersion of the game in my opinion. Do you have any examples...?
  2. I don't think it's pushing an agenda to ask to be represented! Being queer or asexual or brown can be things characters just are without the game having to talk about them at all. New Vegas did a great job with its queer cast, so it would be good to see that kind of representation continued and extended to other stuff, too!
  3. Thank you, this is very heartening to hear!
  4. Hi Obsidian people who might be reading this, I like to play the games you make! And I am really excited for this kickstarter because you're answering to the fans! But can you make sure we get a good proportion (half would be ideal!) of well-written female companions? More Fall-From-Graces, Kreias, and so forth? And could they have clothes that they wear all the time please? Unless it makes sense that the character would wear less, of course, but it shouldn't be like that for most of them. I'd also really like it if a few of them could be something other than white (and some of the guys, too). Maybe a couple could even be queer! I have a lot of faith in you, and I'm sure lots of your other fans do, too! You write wonderful characters, female or otherwise, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with. I'm sure I'd like them either way, but some representation would be fantastic now that you don't have any publisher telling you that T&A is how to sell your game. Thanks for reading!
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