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Posts posted by ethanarc

  1. It's completly speculation at this point if this will ever happen and even more so if its gonna be by Obsidian but what would you like to see in a sequel?



    For a future DS game (if Square hires them for DSIV) I'd like them to build up on the current combat system (as its the first Obsidian game where the combat is actually really good YMMV) go deeper into the narrative/dialog sector with more exclusive content regarding the different heroes.


    In fact pretty much go full on fantasy Alpha Protocol with enjoyable combat. The groundwork is there.


    Other things I would like to see in a sequel: Better/seperate online camera, Stats better built into the game (there are lots and they have effect but they seem a little too "disconnected" at the moment) and more meaty quests. Other things as well but not much important stuff. (May be forgetting something important, though)


    Also. For a possible fourth game use a bigger team of designers/writers. And dedicate a small team to make online modes/improve the online experience.


    Apply what T.C said above, & create a game the size of what they did for "Neverwinter Nights 2"; both in scope & depth.


    Create a map for the kingdom of Ebh; have the locations play prominent roles.


    Would have liked to be able to actually rebuild the chapterhouses & Legion in Dungeon Siege II; maybe not as in depth as repairing Crossroad keep but...


    In depth conversational system for companions as well as stories.


    Character creation or at least modifcaton of appearance


    Basically, make the game an RPG with the great combat we already have for Dungeon Siege III

  2. Can't really explain it clearer than the title suggests. I'm currently on my 6th playthrough of AP, and I really hope the whoever made the decision to NOT make another puts the drugs down long enough to see that this game, awesome as it is, has the potential to be GREAT.


    There's so much I'd like to know. Spoilers ahead.



    What happens to Mike AFTER the ending (whichever would be considered canon)?

    Does Halbech crumble, or does Mike REALLY take over?

    Does Shaheed get away with just revealing everything on air?

    What's Marburg's actual background (specifically)? A younger Conrad would be an excellent protagonist.




    Many more apart from the above, too.


    Also, look at the potential AP2 would have. Could be a sequel. Could be a prequel. It could be whatever you'd call a period of time running concurrently with the one we see, after all all these people ARE trying to hunt down Mike. Gelato Man can make another appearance (LEGEND <3).


    So, without gushing any further... Would you like so see another Alpha Protocol? It's a long shot, but maybe if enough people say "YES!!21!", the powers that be will see sense and give us more Thorton-flavoured win.


    Also, hi from a new guy. :)


    O.k dude, I tooooooooootally agree with all you're saying besides the Marburg as a protagonist thing cause that guy was such a tool, no offense.


    Seriously though, can't stress how much I want Obsidian to make "A.P:2".

    It was a fantastic game & yes we all know the issues it had, from enemy A.I to some visuals etc just like we also know it was bashed far more than was appropriate.


    I mean I was one of those that payed attention when it was announced & kept up with news, so I saw all the reviews...then I played it & like others on here quickly realised that yes, some stuff said in the reviews were accurate but overall most reviews overdid it with bashing the game & it's far better than they give it credit for.


    I thoroughly enjoyed it & still do to this day (have my copy & pretty sure i've done more than 10 playthroughs at this point :yes: ).


    So if Obsidian reads this, pleeeeeeaaaaaaassssseeee if you can, make "Alpha Protocol 2". The issues with part 1 have been stated on every forum where the game comes up on the internet so make adjustments, but please don't let this I.P collect dust till it enters the realm of the non-existent.

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