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Posts posted by Sanjiyan

  1. Excuse me if this has already been mentioned, but I thought it was important enough that I should try to see it brought to someone's attention.

    Presumably, quite a lot of financial trouble has hit Obsidian due to them not receiving their bonus for Fallout: New Vegas over the Metacritic score - one point of difference, an 84 instead of an 85. However, I noticed something while I was reading through those reviews.


    One of the Metacritic reviews for Fallout: New Vegas, by a German reviewer from a website known as Gamestar, is actually not for Fallout: New Vegas. It is for the Honest Hearts DLC, which he gives a 72%, rated as 'Gut' (Good). That review (as well as the overview where you can check the score) are available here:




    It's in German, but the URL and a simple google translate both make it abundantly clear that this is a review for the Honest Hearts DLC. Now, this is where things get interesting.


    This same reviewer also reviewed Fallout: New Vegas itself. The kicker? He gave it an 88%, 'Sehr Gut' (Very Good). The New Vegas review (and overview with score) is available here:




    Now, obviously, this is something of a screw up on Metacritic's part. Not only have they posted an incorrect review, but an incorrect review with a considerably lower score. I don't know if this is something that Obsidian's staff are already aware of, or if it is too late to change things now, or even if this would have been enough to tip you over the edge into a score of 85 at all - but I thought it was worth bringing it to your attention.

    I have a great respect for Obsidian as a company, and consider you to have some of the finest writers in the current videogame RPG climate (in fact, I consider working as a writer at Obsidian a possible career goal of mine) and I would hate to see you suffering as a company because of a simple misunderstanding or mistranslation.


    If this isn't the correct place for this, or if I should instead be emailing it to somebody or whathaveyou, please let me know. I just wanted to bring this to your attention in the hopes that, just maybe, it'll push your score over the edge and earn you that bonus from Bethesda.

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