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Posts posted by Wishpig

  1. I'm pretty sure it will continue to feel like a single player MMO. Given that the game is supposed to lay the groundwork for an upcoming MMO, it doesn't surprise me.


    The only thing I wonder about is how they will translate the combat system into an MMO. Everything else about it seems like a pretty easy jump.


    If they somehow transfer this games combat into an MMO... it will revolutionize fantasy MMO's. I'm not talking about Tera combat here, I'm talking about THIS game's combat. Combos, juggling, fatalities, ect. I really don't see that happening though. But who knows? It would be awesome.


    But I do think this games biggest weakness is how MMO it feels. But hey, it's to be expected, and I'm glad the devs have this game to practice with before they actually make the MMO.

  2. I'm leaning towards picking this up on my PS3 instead of the PC. Anyone know if there are any console issues?


    Ign review was on PS3 and he claimed it was VERY stable. No crashing, very few bugs, nothing game breaking.


    The PC version will almost certainly have more bugs, but I played the demo on PC and PS3... PC looks much better. It's a trade-off, both PC and PS3 seem like fair buys, go with your gut.

  3. I downloaded the demo and I enjoyed it quite a bit. Did they use the Dragon Age II interface because it gives me that sort of vibe..


    It's part over the top anime style combat and weapon/armour design and part Two Worlds. The skill trees are nice an varied and at least in the demo once you complete the intro you can skip it (its good the first couple of times but you really don't want to see it every time you play).


    Supposedly the final game has very very very few bugs for a massive RPG. According to a few reviews. I too had bugs during the demo... BUT...


    A. It was an earlier build of the game

    B. The devs behind the game didn't make it, they passed it off to another company to build.


    Guardian gave the game anoth 100/100 review


    Personally the only thing I hate about this game is the shield system. It's too goofy, pulls me out of the immersion.

  4. Bashed so much? I must say, for this forum, this game has been surprisingly well received (based on the demo). On this forum everfything that's not Planescape: Torment or turnbased from a century ago usually brings out all the negative superlatives (atrocious, who the hell uses that word in real life, seriously?) in people.


    I wasn't talking specifically about this forum, I mean in general.

  5. At least there aren't any Orcs and Dwarves.


    God I'm so tired of Tolkien-inspired fantasy.


    Sorry, going back to quite an older post here.


    But yes, Dwarves ARE in the world of Amalur, infact they just had a section of the official website reserved for their description. They're called Dvegre or something like that. The devs claimed the DLC will introduce other races, and the Dwarves are very high on that list, you can bet you'll be seeing them soon. And c'mon, R.A. Salvatore created the world... that guy LOVES dwarves.


    Good news is, they're not tolkein inspired.


    These Dwarves are brutal and violent raiders, more like vikings/pirates than Gimli. They are very much like the Dwarves in RA.'s demon wars books. And those dwarves are a huge step away from the generic mining dwarves, and are extremely intresting. They depart from their typical fantasy counterpart more than the elves and gnomes, THAT's for sure.


    As a huge fan of Dwarves I'm freaking thrilled!



    On a seperate note, I feel bad this game is being bashed so much. The reason being it seems so generic at first glance. But the VAST and incredibly detailed lore, the surprsingly intresting story, and awesome combat (in a genre that often lacks awesome combat) really deserve credit.


    Another thing of note is the sidequests actually seem intresting. Which is something recent RPG's have really fallen short of recently. SIGH, I miss when games like Baldur's Gate 2 gave us side-quests that were nearly as intresting as the main story line.

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