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Posts posted by jjtaylor

  1. Another program that I have yet to see mentioned under this topic is Carnegie Mellon's Entertainment Technology Center. The ETC offers a two year, professional Masters degree that is jointly conferred by the School of Computer Science and the School of Fine arts. The program is interdisciplinary in nature in that it takes roughly half of its students from the art-side and the other half from the computer science/tech side.


    The curriculum at the ETC is project-based; however, traditional elective courses are also allowed during the semester. The main idea behind the program is to put artists and technologists together in order to foster better communication between students of differing backgrounds. In addition, the program focuses on giving students project experience related to the industry they wish to enter after graduation. For example, two projects, one of which was funded by Microsoft, were geared specifically towards game prototypes using the Unreal 2003 engine.


    Perhaps the largest perks is the number of connections that the ETC has gained over the years. EA has signed an agreement to take 10 interns every summer for the next three years (this does not include co-op offers in the fall and spring). Walt Disney Imagineering and the Walt Disney VR Studio have also agreed to taking three interns per summer.


    Another consideration is that the ETC is very flexible with the needs of its students. I'm currently entering my second year of the program, but I have accepted a co-op for the fall. I'm able to replace the project I would have taken in the fall with industry experience. Anyway, I don't mean to blather on and on. I just figured I'd toss out the program for those interested. If there are any questions, I'm on the boards and will continue to look over this thread.

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