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Posts posted by Sereyna

  1. I also read the Twilight books about two weeks ago. Didn't think that I would like them, but was pleasantly surprised . Read all 3 in a week though -- pretty quick reads. Last night I finished The Briar King by Greg Keyes, which was very good. Its a series of I believe 4 which is even completed! Now I picked up Winterbirth by Brian Ruckley, only about 50 pages in at the moment.


    I've read every book I own (some more than once) and I need to hit Amazon tonight. I'm in the mood for something similar to WoT or GRRM's Ice and Fre series. Anyone ever read Raymond Feists work? He has a few series that I gather are interconnected. Or Stephen Eriksons "Mazlan" series? I usually steer away from fantasy because so much of it is just crap. Any good ones out there?


    I like the Malazan series very much. That said -- Book 1 ( Gardens of the Moon ) is easily the weakest one in the series. Give it at least through Deadhouse Gates ( book 2), which kicks much ass. Oh -- I've only read through book 5 by the way, so I cant give opinions on the last 2 ( or 3 ? ) books that have come out.


    Some of my other favorite fantasy -- Scott Bakker's Prince of Nothing Series ( recommended to me here!! ), Scott Lynch The Gentlemen Bastards, and Joe Abercrombie's the First Law Series. None will disappoint, though I find the First Law series the strongest of the three.

  2. Im about halfway through Steven Erikson's Midnight Tides, book 5 of 10 in his Malazan series. Pretty dang good stuff, he's currently my 2nd favorite author.

  3. The Scar by China Mieville

    ( and a big THANK YOU to whoever it was on this board that recommended that author )


    House of Chains - Steven Erikson

    Midnight Tides - Also Erikson

    the Dark Tower - Steven King



    To whomever it was that asked - I can only read one at a time too, I read much more and I get plotlines confused :) That and it just drives me crazy in general.

    I'm currently in the Scar, will read Dark Tower next, and then the SE books.


    Apparently book 11, which is the one I got for christmas really picks up the pace, resolves a lot of the plotlines, and sets the stage for the end of the series. Which Robert Jordan says will be book 12, even if the book has to be 1500 pages.
  4. The Black Company by Glenn Cook

    I love the Black Company books! Croakers perspective especially - he's got a lot of great quotes. Haven't finished the series yet, good to know that it pickes back up.

  5. Im currently reading Perdido Street Station, by CHina Mieville. It was recommended by someone here on these boards a long time ago, and I've finally gotten around to reading it. So far :thumbsup:


    Unread I have

    Knife of Dreams, by the aforementioned Robert Jordan

    Shaman's Crossing by also-mentioned Robin Hobb

    The Illearth War, The Second Book of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever by Steven DOnaldson

    and The Darkness that Comes Before by Scott Bakker.


    It has been a LONG time since I've had 5 unread books in the house. I finished George Martin's A Feast For Crows last week -- Damn he's good. My favorite author out there.

    Further out I need Steven Erikson's House of Chains, and if I feel rich I'll order the next 2 books in the series from Canada. Somewhere in there I will need a little non-fiction to keep me rooted here on earth, not sure what yet though.



    Sorry -- rambled a little bit its 5 am here >_<

  6. Currently re-reading A Storm of Swords before I break down and go to the library to take out A Feast for Crows.


    Best fantasy series I've ever read so far.


    Amen, brother.


    Im currently reading the Malazan Book of the Fallen series by Steven Erikson, which has been very very good. Complex reading , though maybe just to my simple mind. I'd have to put him as a close second to G R R Martin, and it suprises me that I dont hear more about him.


    I also enjoyed Anne Rice's first 3 books, though I don't know what happened after that. Liked Stephen Donaldsons stuff too. Looking forward to reading Jordan's latest, hope he doesn't dissapoint.


    Oh yeah, also i need to finish the Dark Tower series.

  7. some interesting ones in here








    email at yahoo.com






    lol @

    Sexy Losers.com
    have to look that one up when Im not working
  8. So I was on Apple's website, a mouse-click away from purchasing myself a new $300 Ipod, when it occurred to me that I know next to nothing about MP3 players. Sure, I know they play back music, and even video! Yay! But then I started wondering -- is there an alternative out there that is just as good for, say, half the price? I then went looking at different brands and decided that I am, indeed, clueless.


    Any advise on MP3 players? Is Ipod all its cracked up to be, or is there an alternative that is just as good? I am mostly going to be listening to music and wouldnt mind the video playback option , as I sometimes do nothing at my job for hours at a time. If that helps input any. Mostly I hear very good things about the Ipods, though another website i frequent bashes them badly.


    Thanks for the help in advance!!

  9. Im guessing its the very last blonde gal who was with the 'tail section' crew. She was very last one shown when they were ominously telling us 'one of these people will DIE'.



    As long as its not Locke or Sawyer


    Speaking of Sawyer -- do you think we'll ever learn his real name? or did we already and I missed it? You all are much more observant than I.

  10. Now Im going to have to go and Google nanites. :huh:


    and has Kate gained a bit of weight?

    I saw her on the cover of a magazine, can't remember which, but I didn't recognize her right off so i think she has a little bit. Still looks good IMO, though I'm not the best judge.



    Oh the magazine was Rolling Stone

  11. Is it still possible to buy the expansion Heart of Winter in stores anywhere? I restarted this game about a month ago on my laptop, and never played the expansion part of it. I can't seem to find it anywhere though. An aquaintance told me to just get it off of Limewire, but isn't that kind of , um...., a bit unethical? I dont know. He said he's fairly sure they don't make it anymore and its either that or Ebay, but I want to stay legal . I am the halo-wearing Lawful Good Paladin princess after all! :( Black Isle no longer being around was another subject of conversation, he saying that makes the downloading of it ok. He is the dumbest smart guy I know at times though, so I decided to ask you all. Any help appreciated!!

  12. It was ok, but it was missing the soul that Band of Brothers and Deadwood had/have.


    Yeah, but we can't compare every show out there to those two shows, or we wouldn't watch anything.


    I really enjoyed the sunday episode though, hope for more like that in the future. When it was all over, I couldn't believe an hour had passed. Hopefully I dont regret saying this, but I already wish it was more than just a 12 episode show.


    Are all HBO shows this good? I've only seen the aforementioned Band of Brothers and Deadwood along with the single episode of Rome from the many HBO Originals.

  13. Ok, so I've finally decided to get me both the Fallouts, due in no small part of the praise it gets here on these boards. The only thing that was holding me back was the fact that they are turn-based, which I wasn't really happy about. But then I remembered the old Might & Magic (4 ? 5? something like that ) game that got me started in role-playing games so I've decided that Im going to try them. My problem now : I cant find these games anywhere!! Not at Best Buy, WalMart, or anywhere else in my area. I dont have an Ebay account, but this might be the only way. Suggestions?

  14. Ive been meaning to pick up Undying. It was mentioned as the #1 Most Underrated Game in an IGN article, I think. I haven't seen it since then at Best Buy, maybe I'll try Ebay.

    System Shock 1 and 2 were also mentioned in the article. I was trying ty find a link, but no luck. I think it was actually GAmeSpy now that I think about it.



    ....off to DL the demo....

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