Little Baron
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Somebody is actually doing this... I read about it not more tha a week ago on the NWVault. Sorry, I'm too lazy right now to look it up and post a link, but the first "sequence" of it is already uploaded. Edit: Ok, I spent about 10 minutes trying to find it and can't. But it's there somewhere, I swear.
OK, KILL THIS TOPIC PLEASE. Initially, this was just a snarky & sarcastic remark about my unhappiness with the political climate in my country. I couldn't give a rat's crap if you disagree with me, and if one thing wasn't painfully clear before I started this mess it is definitely clear now: There are two VERY disparate sides to this coin, two VERY different cultural points of view and there is NO WAY that continued bickering will change anyone's minds, and I'm completely sorry I ever mentioned it. And I'm moving to Canada, where, with the exception of one freak, they are much more sensible. [Just kidding, for Volourn's sake. May we never end up at the same dinner table] Now, back to [NWNII, KOTORII, or whatever game interests you on this forum please ...]
I think that you should do that, Fionavar. **** Just think about this: In the 80's the Christian Conservatives proclaimed that D&D was the spawn of the devil, and should be banned. If it had been put to a popular vote, the ban would very likely have passed. ****
I hope you're right about that, but you forget that those same people are firmly under his ideologic spell. Depending on the spin he [or the REPUBLICAN CONTROLLED CONGRESS, WHO WOULD DECLARE WAR FOR THEIR REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT] puts on these measures, it could happen without much resistance at all... and by the time the people realize what's happened it would be too late. [Not that I think this is possible, but just to counter this assertion]. Right, but case in point. My religion [Liberalism/Non-Christian Ideology] is being oppressed right now, by the state. The pilgrims left England because they were being forced to acknowledge the ideology of the Church of England. How is it any different to legislate morality for a minority in America today? It isn't. It is purely religious/ideological in nature... the Christian majority is forcing the liberal minority to accept it's values as law. If there was some legitimate benefit to stopping anyone from getting married, then I wouldn't be talking about it, but their clearly isn't any need to "protect" marriage between men & women... For the record also, I don't so much care about Gay marriage per say, what I care about is that 70% of America has forgotten that we are supposed to be the "land of liberty" and are willing to push their religious views onto the whole. Didn't I say I was going to shut up? I should stop reading this topic...
Um... "foreigners" case in point. ^ I find it funny that you would be chiding others about their educations. The president by himself has little power, you are right about that. What you don't seem to understand is that there is now a Republican majority in the House of Representatives AND in the Senate. It will be *much* easier for the Republicans to get their way for the next two years (at least).
Oh for God's sake I wasn't serious... I don't really think the world is going to end...
from AlanC9: "The amendment will fail. It's not even going to get out of the Senate, let alone be ratified. Truth is, there was never any serious intention to pass the amendment in the first place; it was just a way to whip up the base. And the point isn't that gay marriage is winning; the point is that it's become conceivable. That's the typical arc for these things. Inconceivable > dire threat > moderate threat> inevitable. Opposition to gay marriage collapses among people under thirty. Check the polls." **** I hope you're right... I hope I am just over-reacting and it will be business as usual. I don't think I'll be ready to lower my guard until after I've seen about a good year of the first term, though. I'll shut the hell up now. Thanks.
Pray tell, how do you figure that?? We are involved in a war that is essentially un-winnable and has no foreseeable end. We have made terrorism worse... anyone who can't see that is in denial. We have made a giant ass of ourselves in the world community, which IS a problem since any future help we need or TRUST we need will be *very* hard to win. That's what I'm talking about.
Now that's just silly. 11 states just added laws to ban gay marriage... and this president wants to add it to the US constitution... If that isn't on the "offensive" I don't know what is. Just wait and see... they've already promised to take a crack at that amendment again, and they now have expanded house & senate support.
I think I did offer an analysis of what this means... The conservatives have shown that they can motivate the vote *just a little more* than the moderates or the liberals combined. Both parties will seize on this and nothing progressive can come of it. I suppose it depends on which side of this fence you are sitting on whether you think that's "reason" or "emotional garbage". The Armageddon part, well, that may be a bit of "emotional garbage" I guess but I really do think that there is something just a little bit *nuts* about the current administration and general populace that unblinkingly supports it and it wouldn't suprise me if GW gets us even DEEPER into trouble than we already are. And we are, in case you hadn't noticed, in trouble.
World War III, I mean. [John Kerry has officially conceded]. **** Not to mention, America is now headed directly back to the social conservatism of the 50's. Complete Republican control bought with promises of Christian moral values (really! It was the #1 concern of Bush-voters!*). The potential impact on the supreme court alone could be [will be] devastating, but with no-one to stop them they will pretty much be doing whatever they want. *and because of this, even the Dems still in office are going to start turning socially conservative in order to survive. Here, I thought that ruining the country's reputation and economy were important things to consider, when all that really matters is whether or not gay people can get married. Silly me. Good times, good times.