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eras jast

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Posts posted by eras jast

  1. More focus on ataining that star wars feel.

    Even deaper stories for party members.

    More complicated dialogue options.

    please dont make the game real time, if it aint broke dont fix it, dont trade strategy for action.

    free flowing robes

    anybody ever played top-spin the character face creation was very good how about something like that.

  2. How would you handle the fates of Revan and the Exile for K3?


    A) Kill them both off

    B) Play as Revan

    C) Play as the Exile

    D) Play half the game as the Exile, the other half as Revan

    E) Limit them to minor cameo appearences

    F) Both to make appearences but not be the main character or a party member

    G) Don't kill them off, but don't make appearences either

    H) Kill either Revan or the Exile off, but not both

    I) Start as the Exile searching for Revan and when you find him/her, have them both as main characters with two different parties and ships

    J) Having both Revan and the Exile as party members under a new main character

    K) Give Revan and the Exile major roles, but not be the main character/s or PM's

    L) Having Revan as the Main PC and the Exile as a party member with Revan...

    M) Having the Exile as the Main PC and Revan as a party member with the Exile

    N) Go a new main character in K3, have the Exile join your party 2/3's into the game and have Revan join your party 3/4's into the game...

    O) Set K3 anywhere between 50-500 years after K2, so that Revan and the Exile are only mentioned briefly in dialogue, but you would have an opportunity to say what they did depending on what there genders and alignments were


    I think I've covered all the options, if I have missed one, feel free to tell me what I've missed and I'll add it in. People might say, hey you've missed one how about they make K3 a prequel? Well how about no! K3 as a prequel is the worst possible thing that can happen, more terrible than them not making the game at all. Finish off the Revan/Exile story!


    I included your vote astrOcreep


    So the Latest Poll Standings Are...


    I (31)

    K (28)

    F (15)

    J (12)

    A (7)

    L (6)

    B (4)

    N (3)

    M (3)

    H (3)

    D (2)

    G (1)

    C (1)

    E (1)


    put me down for K and hopefully mayb "I" will be taken of the top spot

  3. How would you handle the fates of Revan and the Exile for K3? I included your vote 'K" Hawk. You can vote for more than one letter if you want but you can't vote for the same letter twice.


    A) Kill them both off

    B) Play as Revan

    C) Play as the Exile

    D) Play half the game as the Exile, the other half as Revan

    E) Limit them to minor cameo appearences

    F) Both to make appearences but not be the main character or a party member

    G) Don't kill them off, but don't make appearences either

    H) Kill either Revan or the Exile off, but not both

    I) Start as the Exile searching for Revan and when you find him/her, have them both as main characters with two different parties and ships

    J) Having both Revan and the Exile as party members under a new main character

    K) Give Revan and the Exile major roles, but not be the main character/s or PM's

    L) Having Revan as the Main PC and the Exile as a party member with Revan...

    M) Having the Exile as the Main PC and Revan as a party member with the Exile...

    N) Go a new main character in K3, have the Exile join your party 2/3's into the game and have Revan join your party 3/4's into the game...



    The Latest Poll Standings Are...


    I (31)

    K (27)

    F (15)

    J (12)

    A (7)

    L (6)

    B (4)

    N (3)

    M (3)

    H (3)

    D (2)

    G (1)

    C (1)

    E (1)


    I) Start as the Exile searching for Revan and when you find him/her, have them both as main characters with two different parties and ships - 37 votes


    Why, oh why do people want to play Revan or the Exile again? Although they can make a cameo appearance, but i want a NEW main character in KotOR III.


    dam rite, it was hard enough getting to grips with the characters in 1 party let alone 2, im sure most people only ever used the same 3 people and every1 else felt wasted, it would be impossible to feel out the backstories of all your party members and it would suck, revan and exile need to not be included at all except in dialogue like revan wasnt included in kotor2 at the most small cameos like bastila and carth in kotor 2, these ideas scare me cos if any of em r used this game wuld suk, also i completely made revan and exile hardcore, starting of as a reely powerful jedi would suck the fun out of the game and making them weaker than b4 would make also make the story inconsistant.


    new pc, new party, some cameos no playable revan and exile.


    newcomers to this game would be seriosuly confused and who wants 2 sit through 30 minutes of backstory to get to grips with whats going on?


    the stupid poll sucks people obviously arent thinking about all the angles i just hope if this game is ever announced the developers dont take stuff like that as gospel to what the fans want in kotor3.


    if the old characters are used we will start with a gd idea of how the game will play out and it would make the story feel stale (remember how episode 3 sucked cos we all knew wta was gona happen)


    also please keep the whole storyline ideas to yourself im bored of these long winded posts just like this one.

  4. Well, it is a popular engine when you include Jade Empire in there. Why not make another sequel to Kotor?


    I would guess that any sequel would be released on the next gen consoles though.

    Please no consoles.


    I think most people here would agree. But it's where the money is at...and where a lot of these groups are going.


    Well...consoles and poorly thought out MMOs.


    no console versions for these games have always been quite good, i think though that only 1 console should be chosen though and thats xbox 360 because all the other kotor games came out on xbox.

    Everything would be fine if obsidian spent a little extra time on bug squashing and make sure they have enough time to finish the game properly because people are under the impression creating console versions takes time away from the developement process which is bull the developers are the only ones who know how much time they need to do what needs to get done.


    i bet

  5. these story lines annoy me i think their should be 2 threads one for features and one for storyline, i would hate for 1 of these stories to actualy be used it would ruin the story for me.


    holsterable weapons, hooded robes, decent ingame movies, more worlds, influence system needs to be done better.


    i think i speak for everyone when i say BIGGER, pak some more hours in.


    downloadable content for xbox 360, like more items etc.


    Improved graphics (but to be honest i would be happy with the same graphics i could forgive if the story was great)


    i dont care what anyone says i dont think your should start of as a jedi, earning your jediness just made it all that sweeter.


    More customisation options for your gear.


    maybe a couple worlds from the unkown place where the ancient sith are.


    i want to see the echani homeworld, Ithor sounds like it could look awesome, Coruscant, Alderaan.


    find out more about czerka corperation.


    Be cool if you could see yur character wearing belts and gloves and the shield armband thingies.


    free flowing robes.


    I want the combat system to be refined but not changed into real time combat, semi real time combat was gd because it added the strategy into the game please dont make this an action game.


    Ebon Hawk returns but its been havin repairs since malachor and it got back from unknown regions now its all shiny and new with upgrades.


    Inside Ebon Hawk would be awesome if it got fully re-made so when the pilot sat down and was pushing buttons his hands would actualy touch the controls.


    More interactvity with the environment, i was thinking you could actualy sit down at tables in cantinas to play pazaak with your oponent oposite you.


    every cantina needs a dueling ring and a bounty office.

  6. il be happy if they make the worlds larger more intricate with lots more quests and maybe some completely different routes though the game based on your style of play and alignment.

    how about a visit to the Echani homeworld that could be interesting.

    As for the story how about your an aprentice in training at the jedi academy in coruscant and your the best in the class, you prove urself worthy by doing tasks around coruscant learning more dirty secrets of the szcerka coperation.

    During this a special ability manifests itself.

    The jedi council have a special request for you, they want you to travel to the furthest reaches of space to investigate the disapearance of jedi (revan and outcast) and the disapearacne fo jedi sent befor urself.

    the council know something about you that you do not know and their not telling.

    during this lots fo special and intriguing things happen.


    free flowing robes with the ability to put hood up or down.

    More customization of your items.

    More complicated relationships with your crew.

    Ebon Hawk returns!

    everything needs to be bigger

  7. I think that only they could do Kotor III, with the storyline at such a median. Does anybody else have ANY clue where they're headed?


    I think that Revan left Bastila for one of the Gizka. (Just kidding, he better still be with her if he's LS male)


    It was a good game, and I can find very little to complain about. They just forgot to put in "To Be Continued..."



    more options were needed for determining the storyline u followed during the original game. more plz if u do kotor3 i want to feel like im playin sequel to the story im played in both games

  8. obsidian this game was excellent truly.

    the storyline compared well with kotor1 but with a more mature feel.

    jus like to take the time to congratulate you. it seems many people are annoyed with how a small part of the game turned out and are focusing mostly on the bad and i agree some of the faults are bad but im still extremely impressed i will be following news of your next projects with interest.

    gd luck for the future.


    ps. i hope u guys do kotor3 wat an excellent game dat wuld be :cool:

  9. can someone please giv me the UK release date because it is quite confusing,

    some people say febuary but the uk oxm review came out already and they have never given a review 2 months!!! befor release!!!!


    i hope it isnt febuary thats just too long i meen halo 2 came out 2 days later then the US, rainbow 6 blak arrow came out 11 days after the US, whats with the dam wait, some of you are moaning about having to wait for the Pc version but wat about the poor people in the UK

  10. can someone please giv me the UK release date because it is quite confusing,

    some people say febuary but the uk oxm review came out already and they have never given a review 2 months!!! befor release!!!!


    i hope it isnt febuary thats just too long i meen halo 2 came out 2 days later then the US, rainbow 6 blak arrow came out 11 days after the US, whats with the dam wait, some of you are moaning about having to wait for the Pc version but wat about the poor people in the UK

  11. can someone please giv me the UK release date because it is quite confusing,

    some people say febuary but the uk oxm review came out already and they have never given a review 2 months!!! befor release!!!!


    i hope it isnt febuary thats just too long i meen halo 2 came out 2 days later then the US, rainbow 6 blak arrow came out 11 days after the US, whats with the dam wait, some of you are moaning about having to wait for the Pc version but wat about the poor people in the UK

  12. many people have said that kotor3 will be an xbox 2 title and im hoping it is most big developers such as lucasarts, ea and rumours of bungie have already recieved their xbox 2 dev kits i think it will be better because they could improve on and add many more interactive aspects and improve graphics vastly


    plus if the guys at microsoft decide to use blue-ray cd's which have alredy been chosen as the format for ps3 (new technology developed like dvd's except can hold more data and play High Definition video)

    read the ign future formats news, a lot more data stored can result in a much larger game


    exciting stuff but just my speculation

  13. sounds very cool and has helped to ileviate doubts i had about the game bein able to live up to kotor1's storyline


    also i hope they havent changed the voice actor for hk-47 coz i hate it when voice actors are changed in sequels


    ps. i hope they put more alien language in the game because i got so frustrated with the same rodian (or other)making the same sounds as other rodians but having different subtitles ie. two rodians saying different things but the same alien voices .

  14. hey can you plz answer me question because i registered jus to send it lol


    i noticed that wen the player was walking outside the ground vegetation would appear around him as he walked to different locations as if their was a constant circle of vegetation nearbye but as the player ran about it wuld move with you and you could see the landscape the player was running towards become vegetated this seemed noticeable and annoying, in kotor1 i didnt notice it at all but its easy to spot in telos flyby movie is this going to be changed or worked on thx


    if you had trouble understanding my niggle im sorry i had a lot of trouble trying to explain my question

  15. well i was looking at the screanshots at lucasarts.com when i came across this one you can see that this person is wearing the star forge robes you get near the end of kotor1 if your a light side character maybe part of the plt could be that darth sion and other guys are building more star forges and you have to thwart their plan for domination of the galaxie!!??


    probably wrong but hey tell me what you think i apologize if this has been posted alot im new



  16. i was wondering if your a dark side character if you can do assassination mission for the genoharadan i think thats how you spell it


    if not the genoharadan can u still do assassinations for money or duel for money like on taris dueling ring



    who is genoharadan? :ph34r:

    i think i spelt it completely wrong its the guy u meet on manaan who wants you to assassinate people you get contacted by a twi-lek who says you have dropped a datapad when you havent wen u read it it tells you to meet him on manaan alone

  17. if u have watched the gameplay demo you may of noticed that with the first guy they show in the bakcground of the area theirs a load of greeny cheesy ass!! buildings in the distance do you rekon that the sith lords in kotor 2 mite be makin more big installations or maybe more factories like the starforge just a thought


    oh and some of you hav been talkin about the different lightsaber colors in kotor 2 if you want to see one of them on the newist trailer if you watch closely one of the light sabers being weilded is orange this is hard to see and notice because it looks to the casual viewer just red but trust me its orange its liek the orange from the special stones from the yavin station from downloadable content in the first game


    seems liek they made the orange a permenant color their aint many more colors to choose from for new ones so im predicting pink lightsaber crystals and some special ones for light/dark side could be white or black their aint many other colors left and sumhow i dont think they would choose brown??!!?? wat do you think

  18. 1) they will be keeping the cooler screenshots for nearer release date, to rekindle interest


    2) i think its safe to say there will be a hell of a lot of sidequests, equal to, but more than likely alot more than KotOR


    3) i think its been said there is a love interest (cant remember if its been confirmed) but there will likely be multiple love interests.


    4) pazaak is back


    hope that answers your questions ;)


    thx i needed that phew talk about worried i always worry that sequals to my faveroute games with be crap i dont think kotor 2 will but theirs always a little voice sayin wat if they forget to include this and that im sure sum other people kno wat i meen

  19. i dont want to be a a pain but most of the screen shots of kotor2 i have seen seem to be in dark places which may sound weird


    most of the screanshots seem to be in the "wild" (enemies areas outside of the relative safe areas like the hawk or in a city or settlement like dantooine for example i want to see some pics of large city areas like manaan or taris with people walkin around in them if anybody has got any links to screenshots of wat im describin plz post them


    one of the things i loved about the first game was the ability to explore the the cities like taris and help people in their problems an example of that is one of the first side quests in kotor helping dia to get holdan to take the bounty of her head

    but i havent seen many examples of this, i enjoyed that aspect of the game as you were able to stray from the main storyline for hours doing various side quests to gain items or to help other for light/dark points in the interveiws i have read not much has been said into this important aspect of the first game and if it is an important one in this game


    i hope theirs a sort of love interest in the game like the last one i found some of the conversation option funny


    jus a small question is pazaak being brought bak


    sorry if been posted to death wat can i say if ur annoyed dont read or post a reply

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